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Clinical Analysis Of199Cases Of Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria

Posted on:2013-07-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q XiongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2234330374478123Subject:Dermatology and Venereology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective: Through the investigation of the clinical characteristics ofCSU, such as the onset features, accompanying disease and therapyresponses, offer some information for clinicians on the evaluation of theseverity, duration and prognosis as well.Method:199patients diagnosed as CSU were asked to finish thedesigned questionary. General characteristics of patients, exacerbatingseasons, duration, UAS, eliciting/aggravating factors, co-existing physicalurticaria, therapy responses were analysed. EXCEL and SPSS16.0wereadopted for statistical analysis.Result: Among the199patients, the ratio of sex male to female was1:1.55with the age variance15-74years(averaged37.66±14.28years).The age of onset was between1-74years(averaged35.96±14.74years)and more than50%of patients suffered it at18-40years. The onset of agein female was earlier than in male and with a clear peak while nosignificant difference was found in male. The duration longed from1.5months-30years with a medium of6months.The duration of patients withurticaria only was shorter than whom accompanied with AG/physical urticaria(p=0.031). No correlation was found between UAS and duration(p=0.329).36.68%patients exacerbated at night.22.39%patients gotserious in spring and32.84%in summer. Symptoms reached the peak inwarm months. The change of temperature, physical pressure, acholic drink,menstrual cycle were found to be the common triggerrings. CSU mostlyco-existed with urticaria factitia and cholinergic urticaria.25.63%first-grade relatives of patients accompanied with allergic disease while24.12%patients got it as well. Chronic infection was found in manypatients. Gastritis or ulcer which mostly associated with Hp infection foundto be the first accompanying disease and the dental sepsis was the second.77.39%patients had ever taken H1-antihistamine following65.33%ofwhom reach complete resolve while only20.1%of patients taken the pillevery day for a long time.Conclusion: Female got a higher frequency than male.18-40yearswas the peak age of onset. Female got the disease earlier and had a clearpeak of onset age.50%patients resolved in6months and UAS did notcorrelate with the duration. The change of temperature, food, femalehormones may aggravate the symptoms. Chronic infection, endocrinopathy,immunological disease may play a causative role in some cases.H1-antihistamine control the disease effectively while more effort neededto pay in the standard therapy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urticaria, Chronic, Clinical analysis
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