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Small-dose Dexmedetomidine Given Fentanyl And Etomidate Applied To Painless Colonoscopy Diagnosis And Treatment Of Clinical Observation

Posted on:2013-04-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective To evaluate the effect and safety of dexmedetomidinegiven etomidate and fentanyl for painless colonoscopy clinics.Method100cases undergoing painless colonoscopy, ASA I~IIclass were randomly divided into two groups, each group of50cases inthe observation group (D group): Group D before induction of anesthesiainfusion small dose of dexmedetomidine0.6uk/kg(10min) and the controlgroup (Group E) received saline infusion as the same. Loading dose ofthe two groups after the infusion were intravenous bolus fentanyl1ug/kg,then a slow bolus injection of etomidate3mg/kg, until the patient to sleepand began endoscopy. Group D maintained until surgery rate of,HR,SPO2were recorded beforeDEX administration(T1),1min after the injection of fentanyl andetomidate(T2),5min(T3),the end of the gastrointestinal microscopy(T4),patients go to sleep time (S)eye opening, call (W), the postoperativeRamasay sedation score (1point, not quiet, irritability;, quiet, andcooperation;3points, drowsiness, can follow instructions; to sleep, butwake;points, respiratory reaction is slow;6points, deep sleep, breathingunconscious), and intraoperative adverse events.Results Control group, Group E T2, T3, T4, the MAP of SpO2and D group difference was not statistically significant. MAP comparedwith group D T2, T3, T4, T1, MAP changes is not obvious. Group D T2,T3, T4, HR decreased significantly (P <0.05) than T1the HR. Group Dwith group E, T2, T3, and T4in HR was significantly reduced (P <0.05).Group D Group E to fall asleep, respiratory, eye opening time, thedifference was not statistically significant (P>0.05). D postoperativeRamsay score lower than the E group (P <0.05). Group D and Group E,Group D etomidate consumption decreased (P <0.05). Group D injection pain, muscle cramps was significantly less than in Group E, the differencebetween groups was statistically significant (P <0.05).
Keywords/Search Tags:Dexmedetomidine
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