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Analysis Of Relevant Factors Of Hypoxemia Of CABG

Posted on:2013-01-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z M LuoFull Text:PDF
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Objective:Hypoxemia is a serious complication of coronary arterybypass grafting, it is also one of the key factors affecting the recoveryof patients. Coronary artery bypass started late in Guangxi, theperioperative management needs to be refined and improved. To prevent andreduce the complications of coronary artery bypass grafting is an importanttask, especially to prevent the occurrence of postoperative hypoxemia.Effectively reduce coronary artery bypass grafting hypoxemia will be ableto reduce the use of postoperative ventilator time and residence time in theintensive care unit, to promote the recovery of patients, reduce patientlength of stay and hospitalization costs, and more importantly, is to improvethe quality of life of patients with postoperative survival rate andpostoperative.Materials and Methods: This study, based on manual registration ofcardiovascular surgery operating room anesthesia record above the patient’sname, hospital number and name of statistics to the surgery from 1994 to 2010in our hospital,there is a total of 158 cases of coronary bypass surgery. Routine CABG on 158 patients with postoperative blood gas analysis resultscollected to view, analyze the incidence of postoperative hypoxemia inpatients with CABG and patients age, sex, weight, smoking history,postoperative extubation time, respiratory history, history of hypertension,diabetes mellitus, intraoperative infusion volume, the liquid margin ofsurgery, preoperative EF value, blood loss, operative time, anesthesia time,bridge number, the merger history of valvular disease, ventricular wall tumorhistory, preoperative and postoperative hemoglobin, CPB time, aortic clamptime, preoperative left ventricular size relationship. Statistical analysisusing a common data processing software spss16.0 analysis and processing.Measurement data to mean±standard deviation (S) said. Initial line ofsingle-factor analysis, in line with homogeneity of variance between groupstest data using T-test, not meet the test of homogeneity of variance usingapproximate T-test. Measurement data using the test. Finally, indicators andhypoxemia were observed between the logistics regression analysis. Test witha = 0.05 for the significance test.Results: The study found that by univariate analysis: age, hemoglobinsurgery, extubation time, the value of preoperative EF, aortic clamp timeand postoperative hypoxemia were significantly related; by logisticsregression analysis: gender , history of smoking, valvular disease,hemoglobin of surgery, extubation time, anesthesia time, operative time and postoperative hypoxemia were significantly related.Conclusion::1 bypass surgery and postoperative hemoglobin significantly associatedhypoxemia. Lower hemoglobin surgery, the greater the likelihood ofpostoperative hypoxemia.2 female is a risk factor for hypoxemia3 anesthesia time, operative time are associate with hypoxemia. Longeroperative time, longer anesthesia time,the greater the likelihood ofpostoperative hypoxemia.4 valve disease, preoperative EF are associate with hypoxemia . The lowerpreoperative EF, the more severe valvular disease combined, the greater thelikelihood of postoperative hypoxemia.5 extubation time can predict the occurrence of hypoxemia after CABG. Thelonger postoperative ventilation time , the greater the likelihood ofhypoxemia.6 Age is a risk factor for hypoxemia. Older, more prone to postoperativehypoxemia.7 The relationship between diabetes, hypertension, aneurysm and hypoxemianeed to be further confirmed.
Keywords/Search Tags:CABG, hypoxemia
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