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Research On The Ancestral Temples In The Immigrant Culture Of Sichuan

Posted on:2014-01-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330398974013Subject:Architectural History and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ancestral temple is a product of China’s ancient patriarchal clan, which exists in all parts of the Country. Because of the Yuan Ming and Qing Dynasties’wars, there is not much left. Sichuan native, original clan system has been seriously damaged. Along with the " Immigration of Huguang filling in Sichuan ", from the Huguang, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Guangdong, Fujian, the influx of immigrants to Sichuan, Sichuan economy gradually recovers, ancestral temple is produced in such a historical background.The research object is the ancestral temple built by immigrants in Sichuan area Through field investigation and literature collection, historical origin, the Sichuan ancestral hall building location, layout and architectural characteristics. This paper is divided into seven chapters:The first chapter introduces the existing research results, elaborated the research significance.The second chapter is the chapter firstly introduces the background, the late Ming and early Qing Sichuan social condition as well as the clan system and clan ancestral hall in the historical origin, and then analyzes the situation of Sichuan ancestral temple, the ancestral hall, including the distribution, type and function.Third, the four or five chapter is the focus of this chapter, through a large number of examples, discussed the location, space layout, architectural features of the ancestral temple.The sixth chapter first analyzes the regional characteristics of Sichuan in different regions of the ancestral hall, and then moved and native ancestral hall is compared, summarized the inheritance and evolution characteristics of the building in the immigration context, finally compares the architecture and the vernacular, to build ancestral hall, further analysis of the characteristics of the ritual buildings.In the last chapter, analyzes the value of Sichuan ancestral temple, and Discussion on its future trend.
Keywords/Search Tags:clan system, ancestral temple, immigrant culture
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