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Chinese Public Sculpture New Styles Of Thinking

Posted on:2014-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330398476331Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A world, a country, a city, regardless of the level of youth activity center is kind of ow it? However, what teenagers need a public space? Young children how to find their own ittle world events do? Most forms of knowledge is to teach through play, so the kids are not accepted by regular courses. This will be combined with the idea of teaching and learning is very novel concept. Moreover Yingxiu is in a special background, and here’s youth activities should be different from the ordinary mind we can see the general youth activity center. The leisure, entertainment, learning and sharing nature of integration, to provide adequate juvenile Yingxiuwan perfect venue and space.Research Yingxiu youth activity center after the earthquake, public environmental art psychological factors, not only for young people to find spiritual consolation special populations, Wake spiritual world needs young people in the context of local culture to create Yingxiuwan Youth Center indoor public space environment and outdoor public environments To achieve the distinctive cultural landscape, the two should meet the youth development age. Gives endless aftertaste, Lenovo, speculation, and achieve "love humanity, love people, love self-portrayal of the soul," to build on public art reflected the concern of people on the natural compliance of the human spirit guide, focusing Yingxiu own culture, geographical location Yingxiuwan environmental, ecological conditions, indoor and outdoor environmental design and art creation.In research methods, this thesis Yingxiuwan Youth Center as the main object of study. From the human "ultimate concern" starting to environmental psychology and adolescent psychology, psychological after the earthquake, the perspective to young children’s psychological needs of space as a starting point to study this from space requirements of environmental psychology potential impact, and create for local and remote world of young teenagers and even free and easy exchange of public space. Therefore Yingxiuwan youth activities center space design is not only caused by the earthquake to meet the changing requirements of the psychological, and should take full account of the characteristics of children and adolescents, reflecting the community after the earthquake comprehensive care for children and adolescents, and into this space to create more love space.This paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter introduces the significance of research papers, research background, research situation at home and abroad, research object, the object’s psychological characteristics and originality of research and innovation. This is the thesis of the problem.The second chapter of the problem related to the theoretical study of post-earthquake sychological phenomena, including adolescents, adolescent psychological analysis of patial behavior, combined with knowledge of the space environment design, analysis uitable for young people after the earthquake design of the space environment.The third chapter analyzes the case Yingxiuwan Youth Center geographical background and functional arrangement of interior space.The fourth chapter analyzes and propose Yingxiuwan Youth Center is currently the interior space and outdoor space environment environmental problems.Chapter theoretical analysis of the above chapters summarize adapt Yingxiuwan Youth Center space environment design. Spatial analysis of the three elements affecting color, texture, light, and to summarize meet Yingxiuwan youth activities center design, done in-depth research and exploration. Through research and youth activity center room flat Yingxiuwan functional arrangement and design of the space environment, guides design, outdoor theme square design.The sixth chapter is centered on youth activities Yingxiuwan art creation. Combine to create an atmosphere and created space corresponding works of art.
Keywords/Search Tags:youngsters, Post-quake psychological, environmental psychology, spaceenvironment
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