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The Research On The Design Of Interior Waterscape In Commercial Space

Posted on:2014-01-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330398464918Subject:Art and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the modern world, people are longing for natural fresh green environment. In theinterior design, designers strengthen the communication by putting the outdoor landscapeinto indoor ones, combining the natural water with the interior design is a new design wave.This graduation thesis focuses on the waterscape design in commercial spaces of which therules and forms are analyzed.Firstly, this article defines the indoor waterscape design, introduces the concept of thewaterscape design from natural aesthetic point of view, and combs the history andtheoretical background of the water features all over the world. Secondly, it discusses thevarious forms and functions of water in the commercial space, mainly focusing on thedifferent forms of static water and dynamic water by taking examples. The author alsoanalyses the effect of the water from the view of art and function. Finally, the authoranalyses the actual case of the waterscape design in the commercial space,studying thedesign ideas and the methods. Meanwhile, the train of thought of the author’s mid-termreport and the form of the graduation project are also included in this thesis. To summarizethe trends of the indoor waterscape design in commercial spaces, dynamic and staticdecorative elements will be combined, and the gardening techniques of the classicalChinese garden will bring new materials to the modern commercial spaces with new faces,high quality and far-reaching artistic conceptions.
Keywords/Search Tags:interior waterscape design, commercial space, classical gardens, dynamic, static
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