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Research On "Palace.Tongya"

Posted on:2013-06-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S ShangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330395986332Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Fang Yizhi’s " Tongya " is a very important book in the history of Erya research history. He focused on such concept" finding the true answer of a problem discussed by many dynasties through quotation and investigation",when he identified the name and description of a thing exegesis. In order to solve the language explanation problems toward which the ancient and recent scholars had various opinions, Fang did not stuck to the old opinions and created a new way out."Palace.Tongya"(the following is called Palace for short) bringing together many palace building exegetical problems from the early Qin Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty, is a very important document for researching historic residence. With the combination of Fang’s explanation, this paper has a research on "Palace".The paper is divided into seven parts. The first part is the introduction, introducing Fang Yizhi and Tongya and review Ya and the research results of the palace building, indicating the significance of this study. The second part brings "palace" Explanation content respectively from the cause of the name of the palace building, shape, development and evolution "palace" Explanation content. The third part analyzes the Explanation of the "palace" style. The fourth part is the "palace" Explanation, summing up the four methods used in Fang Yizhi’s research process from Sounds righteous, Deriving the etymology, With dialects saying, Participation Certificate horizons. Part Five describes the research value of the "palace", mainly in linguistics, lexicography, literature, architecture culture. Part Six points out that the "palace" in the interpretation of citation is also inadequate. Part Seven is the conclusion, certainly is the solution of the "palace" on the ancient Jusong exegetical problem, for an overall study of the auxiliary Tongya, the language of the Tang Song, Yuan, Ming period, and the palace of the ancient Chinese architectural contribution to the study.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tongya, palace building, exegetical
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