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The Research For Communicative Space Of Modern High-rise Community

Posted on:2012-03-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R CengFull Text:PDF
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With the continuous development of social economy, living quality of urbanresidents has been greatly improved. But the urbanization process of modern China isspeed up; urban population is growing increasingly, the urban land resources arescarce. On the other hand, the implementation of the national land and housing reform,the policies of commercialization housing and the compensation for the land used,resulting in the development of high-rise community is rapid. But the special mode ofliving, and the rapid social change cause a greater impact on the life mode of residents,exchanges neglect interpersonal relations community apathy, lack of security andvitality of the community.The main part of the dissertation is divided into four chapters:The first chapter is part of the paper to ask questions, clarify the scope of thestudy subjects, background, and analyzes the necessity of high-rise residentialdevelopment and social development led to specific behavioral and psychologicalform of community, bringing high-rise exchanges between the community status ofthe missing.The second chapter, Through the study of sociology, environmental psychology,architecture and the other Interdisciplinary theory, to elaborate sociology theory ofdemand communication, interpersonal, neighborhood, etc.. Study the specialpsychological feeling and characteristics of behavior in a different space environment,and focused on the communicative behavior and communicative psychology;communicative action analyzed the factors affecting, and the in-depth study ofbehavior-psychological characteristics of different groups, for High-rise Communitytheoretical basis for the design of Communicative space.The third chapter, From its own characteristics of the high-rise community, makefield research, behavioral observation and residents’ interview; compare thedifferences between high-rise communicative space and traditional communicativespace, study of characteristics of space and form composition of the high-riseCommunity, and the regular pattern of residents’ communication, based on theanalysis in the study, summed up the communicative space constraints of the modernhigh-rise community.The fourth chapter, As a result of theoretical study and analysis, proposed specific design methods and ideas of the high-rise community. Abide by the principlesfrom the whole to part; construct the communicative space of the planning level,communicative space outside building and communicative space inside building. Atthe same time, considering the real case of success and shortcomings; designcommunicative space in line with human behavior psychology and spatial scale forthe high-rise community. Make residents love and enjoy public communicative space;improved the public life of high-rise community, and create a harmonious community.Residents can find a sense of belonging, a sense of the territories and sense of place.
Keywords/Search Tags:High-rise Community, Communicative Behavior, CommunicativePsychology, Communicative Space
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