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Design And Dynamic Analysis Of Silent Chain Drive System For Hybrid Car

Posted on:2014-01-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330395497700Subject:Mechanical design and theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Compared with general automobile, hybrid car has the advantages of low carbondioxide emission and high fuel economy, which not only can reduce the environmentpollution, but also realize the sustainable exploit to the natural resource on the earth.At the same time, since hybrid car is not charged relative to electric vehicles, it hasavoided the trouble about frequently charging. Consequently, hybrid car gets moreand more used and widely developed in modern society. Recently, silent chain, as adriving mechanism, is extensively applied in driving system of hybrid car. However,duo to the less research about design method of silent chain system and the fewerresearchers who dedicate to the development about silent chain in domesticenvironment, it has affected the rapid development of autonomous design methodabout silent chain, making the use about silent chain system in hybrid car almostentirely dependent on the import from overseas.In order to meet the demands of durability, reliability and low noise level aboutsilent chain system, combining with the project of the science and technologydevelopment plan in Jilin province-The Development and The Key TechniqueResearch About Silent Chain Drive System for Hybrid Car, the research situationabout silent chain system was clarified in detail, the design method of various parts ofsilent chain drive system for hybrid car based on the modern design theory waspresented, the noise level of silent chain system was calculated depended on energysubstitute method,and the dynamic characteristics of silent chain system wasanalyzed.The operation principle of different configurations of hybrid power system wassystematically illustrated, and the meshing mechanism of outside mesh chain, thecontact position equations of chain and sprocket, and the calculation method about themesh impact in the engaging position of outside mesh chain and sprocket wereintroduced, which provide substantial theory about calculating the noise levels of the chain drive system.The power transformation between motor shaft and gear-box shaft in hybrid cardescribed in this paper is realized by silent chain drive system. Considering theboundary conditions and relational parameters provided by automobile maker,effective peripheral force for chain drive system and static strength safety factor werecalculated and the type of silent chain was selected, the design and calculation methodof various parts of chain drive system was presented. Based on the meshing principleabout silent chain, the profile of silent chain and the corresponding sprocket toothprofile were designed.Depending on the noise generation mechanism of chain drive system, amathematical model of silent chain system was formulated. Under different boundaryconditions, such as different pitches, driving sprocket speeds and engaging angles, thenoise level for silent chain system was calculated based on energy substitute method.Regarding different speeds, the dynamic characteristics of this designed silentchain system were analyzed based on multi-body dynamic software. According tomovement locus of chain drive system, the polygon effect of silent chain was clarifiedand the transmission error for silent chain system was calculated. Base on the researchabout the chain load and impact force in the engagement regions of chain andsprocket, the force distribution on silent chain system was analyzed t, validating thatwhether the silent chain meet the demands about rotation fatigue strength andreliability. The results show that the silent chain can meet the above demands.The design and calculation method for silent chain drive system not only canreduce research period, but also have a significant value to improve the ability ofautonomous innovation about silent chain drive system. The research conclusionsabout dynamic characteristics of silent chain system have provided a vital theory toevaluate and optimize the system. The noise calculation method can effectivelypredict the produced noise levels of silent chain drive system, having a directivesignificance to optimize the structure of chain drive system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hybrid car, silent chain system, noise analysis, design method, dynamic analysis
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