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The Study Of Changchun Flood Protection Emergency Mechanism

Posted on:2014-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330395494682Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Changchun is located in the Songliao plain of the middle of JilinProvince. Which has flat terrain, high southeast and low northwest. The altitude isabout between150and500meters. The water system in Changchun is composed ofthe Songhua River and the Lalin River. The city has a total of206rivers and streamswhich are more than20square kilometers, and these can be found everywhere in theurban and rural. Changchun is the monsoon region of eastern Eurasia, the averageannual precipitation is569mm, and the characterized of rainfall is uneven distributionof geographical and time and space, decreasing from southeast to northwest. Therainfall in flood season between June and September is accounted for80%of theannual precipitation, July to August is more than50%. The locally heavy rain isfrequently in flood season with hydrological changes and long lasted flood. So it isone of the31major flood control cities. The flood of Changchun have occurredfrequently, especially in recent years, by the impact of global warming, the climatesituation is complicated and abnormality, unpredictability and unexpected becomeincreasingly prominent. Under this influence, the extreme weather events of suddenheavy rainfall increased significantly, The defense is difficult and security threatsgrow with each day. The industrial, agriculture of Changchun plays an importantposition in the country, accounting for more than30%of the province. So do a goodjob of flood control work has great significance. Improper disposal of flood disasterwill threat to the city’s economic and social development directly. Especially the hugeimpact on agricultural production. With the development of economy and society,higher requirements have put forward for flood control and disaster relief work. Onthe current situation, Changchun flood control engineering has low standard, higherdikes and reservoir reinforcement to improve flood control standards is not onlydifficult, long cycle, high investment, but also the limit of higher dikes, so it is a longprocess. The measures of flood control project of Changchun is not perfect, thecapability of monitoring and forecasting of flood control needs to be improved. Theflood security control level and social management are in urgent need ofcomprehensive promotion and implementation. Although the modernization of floodcontrol command system started construction, the application of the remote sensingtechnology, database technology, geographic information system technology,hydrology, the specific mathematical model, and algorithm have just started in real time flood information, flood control engineering information, disaster information,flood control and material information, regional economic profile information anduncompleted construction. The realistic way is with the efforts to improve thestandard of flood control engineering, strengthening the construction of nonengineering measures of disaster prevention and mitigation, especially formulated aset of scientific flood control mechanism to defense flood scientifically andeffectively.This study is based on the analysis of the present situation of Changchun floodcontrol engineering and non-engineering measures, according to the different degreeof the flood, applying the theory and formulate corresponding measures, such asemergency management and emergency mechanism, to provide a theoretical basis forthe command decision, flood control, disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction.To minimum the limit of the flood disaster loss, as this target, when there is ascientific and strong operability measures to deal with floods, to ensure the safety ofpeople’s lives and property, and to provide protection for the leap-forwarddevelopment of the economic and social in Changchun City.
Keywords/Search Tags:Changchun, Flood Control, Emergency response, mechanism
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