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Ocean Park In Visual Language

Posted on:2013-10-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S YeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330395479535Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ocean Park is the rise in recent decades and the rapid development of a theme park.From the mid-1990s, with the rapid development of domestic tourism and the general publicon the diversification of the tourism demand, tourism activities to marine polar graduallyfavored. Domestic built Dalian Laohutan Ocean Park, Qingdao Polar Ocean World, TianjinPolar Ocean World, Polar Ocean Park in Chengdu, Wuhan Polar Ocean World. Ocean Park isa marine theme, the main display of fish and animals, including marine research and display,marine science, marine animal shows, the spread of marine culture as one of the tourist spaceis carried out to the popularization of science, showing marine research, dissemination oceanand Polar culture, meet people close to the ocean, to understand the oceans a major touristcarrier.The marine park contains a variety of buildings, to provide a venue for show andbreeding animals. Architectural form and architectural style in which venues to play multipleroles at the same time, both the building and the ‘architectural surfaces’, theme part of thelandscape, but also form the main part of the landscape of the ocean polar theme, play atransition from inside the building to the external function role. For special buildings such aspackaging design and landscape design, are still in the exploratory stage, do not form a designsystem. The reason is that this kind of design to produce a short time, and involves manydesign disciplines, architectural design, landscape design, visual communication design cross.Ocean Park as a special tourism environment, the unique design of the scope and contentof which architecture and landscape design is an emerging and evolving design branch. Thedesign principles and design rules of the type of design is produced in the practicalapplication of evolving in a comprehensive architectural design and visual design of complexwork, the use of a new use of pairs of visual communication and visual symbols, reflectingthe visual language visual symbol of the enormous influence of the architectural design,integration of related disciplines will promote mutual development and progress, will becomethe new design elements.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ocean Park, Visual image, Architecture surfaces
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