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How To Form Electric Vehicle Industry

Posted on:2012-07-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330377954123Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Electric vehicles, including hybrid vehicles, pure electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles. In recent years, our country in electric vehicle technology, products, demonstration operations, standards, government policy, marketing and so all, has achieved some results, especially, hybrid and pure electric vehicle technology is more and more mature, hybrid and pure electric vehicles will enter the market in future. The subject of "how to form electric vehicle industry "is researched in this paper, and the study of the way to form electric vehicle industry will be great significant. But there is a gap between the development of electric vehicle industry and the object of fostering electric vehicle industry.How to form the electric vehicle industry? Electric vehicle industry alliance can solve all of industry common problems. Alliance is helpful to research technology, make standard, form industrial chain, and promote electric vehicle market. This is the core of this paper. Therefore, electric vehicle industry alliance must be successful.The information and data of electric vehicles sales, technical standards, electric vehicle charging facilities and the industry alliance in this paper are the latest, comes from most of important sites about electric vehicle and Scholars, politicians, entrepreneurs’studies or meeting report in the field of electric vehicles. The latest information and data could support the article’s argument and conclusion, and even makes the conclusion more contributory to practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Electric Vehicle, Development Approach, Industry Alliance
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