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Research On The Inlfuencing Factors Of Urban Comfortable Pedestrian System And Its Applications

Posted on:2013-08-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Y YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330374474959Subject:Urban planning and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
To meet the development needs of large cities, the fast, convenient and comfortablemechanized transport with long haul distance is preferred by urban residents. Theadvantages of mechanized urban traffic are so obvious that the most basic traffic mode-walking is slowly neglected by people. Besides, under the influence of other urban elements,safety and comfortableness of the pedestrian system is unpromising. Therefore, urbantransport planning gradually orients itself to vehicles rather than pedestrians.In recent years, Guangzhou City witnesses rapid economic growth, rising residentpopulation and increasing car ownership, but the problem is also accompanying that how tofind a way to achieve the self-development of Guangzhou under the context of modernurbanization. The author insists that in addition to realizing the transformation of urbanpopulation and space and balancing urban and rural society, giving the top priority to thesustainable development model in urban development is absolutely necessary. In thepost-Asian Games era, urban traffic congestion poses a challenge to the further developmentof Guangzhou, though the urban environmental quality has been improved. Therefore, inorder to alleviate the adverse impacts caused by private motor vehicles on urban transportand the environment, enhancing the comfortableness of pedestrian system and encouragingthe city residents to give primary focus on walking trip besides public transport system arethe tasks of top priority for urban planning.Proceeding from the comfortableness of people’s psychological state and the physicalenvironment of pedestrian system. Based on the existing situation in Haizhu District,Guangzhou, the paper chooses transmeridionalXingang Road West as the research object,implements an in-depth study on the existing theories on pedestrian system and relateddisciplines and combines with the problems of the Xingang Road West to explore theinfluencing factors of comfortableness of the pedestrian walkway designed mainly fortransportation and then for general usage. In this paper, the author evaluates and classifiesthe roads through a number of operable elements to identify the shortcomings in the existingpedestrian system, and thus proposes a series of planning and transformation strategies andsummarizes experience from comfortable pedestrian system, providing a reference fortransformation and re-development of the pedestrian system in future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Comfortable, Pedestrian System, Influencing Factors
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