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Identiyf By Form-car Exterior Design

Posted on:2013-06-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330374461063Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After defining the2concepts of meaning, we can see that there is arelationship between these two concepts. Form design is the basis for theexterior design, exterior design follows and attached to the function; Theexterior design is the external manifestation of design, design for theexterior design to provide adequate maneuverability. The current cardesign has been basically stable, not involved in the former mechanicaltechnology to the shape of the car style, product image, and so has graduallygained an important position. Before simply exist as industrial productsand cars were given a lot of aesthetic meaning and cultural connotation.Of vehicle exterior design, or must be clear: as a both technical andartistic requirements of the industry, the car’s exterior design will needto submit to the improvement of the performance of the car.In the process of sales of vehicles, the car’s exterior designultimately affect and determine the value of the car, only well designedcar to be able to sell better. If the car exterior design does not lookgood, no one to care about its performance. Therefore, from the carmanufacturer’s point of departure, the fundamental purpose of the carexterior design and the most practical significance is: to attract moreconsumers through our design, and strongly stimulate their desire topurchase, promote car sales.Automotive exterior design can be achieved by many means, but nomatter what way we are choosing will not easily lead to a shortcut to success.Only in this way, is an effective way that the car exterior design can beachieved.Through the introduction above, we can see that these new and oldauto show strong vitality and a booming trend, social development, economicdevelopment for its development provides a good opportunity. And as theauto show the development of intrinsic motivation, the innovation of thecar’s exterior design is also broad prospects. In view of the automotive exterior design for the important role of the auto show and the entireautomotive industry, we have so much auto show good prospects fordevelopment, not as good as the car exterior design has good developmentprospects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Car Form Design, Car Edtrior Design
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