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Strategies For Eco-Design Of The Museum’s Light Environment

Posted on:2013-11-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330371994699Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The museum plays a protection and display of cultural and natural heritage, social education, mining and cultural resources, provide recreational function to become an indispensable part of the cultural life of the masses. In recent years, with the improvement of living standards of people’s material, the mass of spiritual and cultural needs and more and more rich and a new awareness of the value of the museum, a growing number of visitors into the museum, the Museum of consumer groups is widening. In the face of an increasingly large consumer groups, and how to provide the audience with a rich content of the show, to narrow the distance of the museum with the audience, has become an important issue facing the museum. On this important subject, the Museum of the light environment design and exhibition design, planning and design as equally important as location. Museum light environments face a variety of artifacts, works of art, how to better collection, conservation, display and publicity, in the design to maximize the consideration to how to protect them from the optical damage. Lighting and lighting but also for visitors to create a good visual environment Therefore, the design of museum light environment will inevitably take on these aspects of the request.The status quo from the domestic and international research to understand the importance of eco-light environment, and departure from its concept, drawing on the museum light the composition of the environmental and ecological systems design theory, then the ecological role of the relationship between the system elements analysis; these analyzes to guide the ecological building elements and the direction of the environmental design of the museum light, and from these build elements and the direction of ecological strategies to summarize and summarize proposed museum light to study environmental design from the two levels of technical strategy and arts strategy ecological strategy.A successful museum light environment can not be separated from the perfect combination of technology and art. Technology strategy in the form of the mouth of the lighting for the space form of the museum has a great impact, so the lighting port is the focus of the ecological strategy of natural light. Lighting the mouth of the design strategy is discussed from three aspects:location, size and detail, which also take into account the associated natural ventilation factors. Artificial lighting, the technology strategy focused on the choice of light source and lighting model, taking into account the natural light, inadequate compensation control system. The art of the museum’s light environment is reflected in the spirit of the main light to create a space in which the exhibits and the rendering, the resulting space of emotional experience. The combination of starting from the light and the environment spatial relationships to understand the art of strategy in the light of environmental design objective technical strategies and subjective research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Museum, Light Environment, Eco Design
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