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Research On The Case Of Highway Emergency Management

Posted on:2013-07-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J C YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330371976990Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Highway, as an infrastructure, has an irreplaceable role in the national economic and social development. The essential attribute of highway is a kind of public product, providing public service to the community. Good construction, maintenance and management in highway, can help to accelerate economic and social development, and bring convenience to people’s travel. Since the reform and opening up, China’s highway maintenance management has been exploring and developing continuously. The 1982-Pingliang Meeting and the 1990-Dalian Meeting was a first step in deepening highway maintaining and management system reforming. In June 1995, the Ministry of Communications held a meeting in Hefei city, and raised a "24-Word Policy", which was a landmark to launch marketization reform of China’s highway maintenance. After that, the maintenance management system reform steps forward fast. In 2003, the Ministry of Communications issued and carried out "Provisional Regulations of Market Access for Highway Maintenance Project" and "Provisional Regulations of Managing Bids Submission and Invitation for Highway Maintenance Project Construction". This gradually pushed highway maintenance management to the market. In December 2008, the State Council P.R. China distributed the "Notice of Implementing the Reform in Petroleum Product Pricing and Taxing", formally initiated tax reform in highway. According to the "Notice", from January 1st,2009, China cancelled six highway cost, including highway toll, passenger & cargo transportation surcharge, transportation management fee, and uses fuel oil tax to replace it. Meanwhile, toll of the secondary road was cancelled step by step in different provinces based on their actual situation. It’s a further step for China’s highway management system reform. However, many years of primary work experiences enable me to have a big concern for the current situation of our highway maintenance management work, the national and provincial main highways in particular. One of those problems is lack-maintenance and backward management. We should firmly establish "People-oriented" development concept and fasten "Three Service". We should also carefully balance the relationship among reform, development and stability. So that we can explore a new operation system for Chinese main lines that both meet the requirement of market economy needs and adapt to the present situation of China. This will bring significant practice to the healthy development of China highway.To this end, this article has five parts to basically explain the management system of main road maintenance management system in Henan province. The first part is Introduction, including background, purpose, research status and research methods, and article design. It’s a preparatory work. The second section gives a brief idea of the current main highway maintenance management system in Henan province, summarizing its characteristics, function division, responsibility, authority and related management method. As a key section, the third part analyzes the current problems of the system in Henan. The fourth part lists advanced practices in some representative developed countries, which will be a beneficial reference for better our system. The fifth part provides some reform suggestions by comprehensively using public management theory and my many years of practice.But for our reform, there should be much work to do due to its primary research stage. A new system will be gradually created that can match our actual situation and the requirement of market economy, promoting the sustainable and healthy development of the whole province highway industry.Keynote of this article is focusing on the maintenance management system of the national and provincial main highways. Methods and suggestions are proposed by combining public management theory and my work comprehension. It is hoped to provide some inspiration and reference to put forward the development of highway industry in Henan province.
Keywords/Search Tags:Henan Highway, Maintenance Management, Function Transferring, Vertical Management
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