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The Planting Design Research Of Chongqing Garden Expo

Posted on:2013-01-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S N HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330362975060Subject:Landscape Architecture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Garden Expo is to demonstrate the level of a country or the world’s highest gardenevent, it would have a regional or even world development landscape have a profoundimpact. Since1997, held in Dalian, China International Garden and Flower Expo(hereinafter referred to as "Garden Fair"), the Fair Park is already held in China in theeighth, Fair Park has developed into the landscaping industry to expand domestic andforeign exchanges and cooperation, new results show landscaping, gardens spread theconcept of cultural and eco-guide technology innovation, and promote resource-savingsociety and environment-friendly society, promote social economy, population,resources, and environmental development of an effective starting point, by the urbanlandscape Green industry wide attention and the community’s attention. Garden plantsare important elements of the natural landscape elements, but also an important greenindustry development foundation, it is not just a decorative material beautify the urbanenvironment, more importantly, to build eco-city garden plants is to achieve sustainabledevelopment in an important region driving force. The rapid development of thelandscape industry in the context of landscape design has become a self-contained,complex and multi-faceted science and art. Trends in landscape plants is to create ashow habitat characteristics, long-lasting, pleasant, forming geographical features, whileable to adapt to the natural evolution of plant communities consisting of single or softspace. And proposed the establishment of habitat-based, functional and geographicalfeatures of the design ideas, no doubt to the Fair Park landscape garden plants provide astage show and guidelines.In this paper, China (Chongqing) International Garden Fair in the plant landscapeand detailed field survey, based on the combination in the country held the previous FairPark information, analysis of the evolution of Fair Park and the development process,thus the transition to Chongqing Garden Fair, Fair Park in plants and landscape designto be explored; through the plant after the completion of field surveys and landscapeanalysis, respectively, from the site topography, spatial scale, geographic expression ofthe three aspects of the plant Garden Expo landscape analysis, highlighting differentaspects of the plant to create a landscape of specific strategies and methods; and use ofecology, community and other related theories on the plant after completion of theGarden Expo quantitative and qualitative assessment of the landscape, the last of Chongqing Park Garden of landscape plants and use elaborate follow-up management,summed up the Fair Park plant in Chongqing’s advantages and disadvantages of thelandscape and look forward to Fair Park in Chongqing plant landscape in southwestChongqing region as well as future trends in organizing large-scale garden fair, formore Garden Fair held in the western city to provide a reference and discussion.In this paper,"layer by layer interpretation of the" logic and "positive"+"analysis"model framework text. Text is divided into seven chapters, namely, introduction,development of the Expo garden context, Chongqing Garden Expo landscape planningand design of Chongqing Garden Expo to create a French research landscape plants,landscape plants built in Chongqing Garden Expo investigation and analysis andevaluation, Chongqing Park Bo Park use and construction of the follow-up, Conclusion.The first chapter of introduction, introduction, describes the concepts landscapeplants, landscape plants and plants important position, Landscape Garden Expo plantsneed to study; domestic and foreign research and research purpose and significance; thesame time the introduction, also identified article, research methods and implementationframework.Chapter2describes the context of the development of the Expo garden, the firstinterpretation of the birth and development of the Expo garden, focuses on foreign anddomestic development of the garden fair, and its impact on the surrounding region; ondifferent levels of exposition were classified and description, the transition from thebackground to Chongqing Garden Fair, Fair Park venue for the city of Chongqingprofile of interpretation, the production of the Fair Park southwest of Chongqing as wellas the impact.The third chapter focuses on the Eighth China (Chongqing) International GardenExpo landscape planning, involving Garden Expo-related profiles, and specific spatialorganization of landscape planning and design of plant, in order to analyze the plantfrom the design point of view of planning and design; also discussed as a Garden Expothis form of urban green space, with other types of green space in the planning anddesign, what is the difference, and a Garden Expo What are its prominent features.Chapters IV and V, respectively, in the Garden Expo is on the basis of site visits toGarden Expo as the carrier of their qualitative and quantitative correlation analysis andsummary, the qualitative analysis, respectively, from the topography and landscapeplants to create, scale and create a landscape plants, landscape and plant culture tocreate three areas to explore, these three areas corresponding to the aesthetic qualities of plants, space characteristics and cultural characteristics, in the fifth chapter in the use ofecological and community learning Garden Expo’s theory of landscape plants after thecompletion of the evaluation and analysis, from the nature of plant life on thequantitative analysis of landscape plants and discussion. The use of "qualitative"+"quantitative" dual analysis, landscape plants for Garden Expo comprehensive,multi-dimensional study.Chapter VI also discusses the use of Chongqing Garden Expo follow-up relatedissues in the follow-up from other types of fair use based on the future development ofChongqing Garden Expo, as well as land use conversion and after the construction ofthe park landscape plants and made a number of strategies to enhance the other.Chapter VII of the entire contents of the article gives a brief summary of theresearch and some reflection.
Keywords/Search Tags:Garden Expo, Planting Design, landscape design, follow-up using
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