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Urban And Architectural Studies In The Context Of Qi Culture After Qin Dynasty

Posted on:2012-03-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330362471592Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, with the process of urbanization accelerating constantly, the urban population increasing rapidly, the urban scale expands constantly, the resulting in an endless stream of problems arising.How to deal with and solve these problems,become an urgent task of planner.Learn from history, past serve the present,only when conprehensive and profound studying and understanding excellent culture thinking and thinking of planning and construction do we create the times and realistic ideas to urban planning and construction on this basis. Qi culture is one of the important local culture before Qin Dynasty.Economic prosperity,political openness,military power, technological advances of Qi state formed the obvious characteristics of Qi culture open,practical,inclusive,change.Similarly,these excellent culture characteristics have important realistic significance of instruction to urban planning and construction of our country at present.Based on analysis and induction of archaeological data and literature,combined with the example of Qi Feng old town, the thesis summed up the characteristics of urban planning and building construction on context of Qi culture before Qin Dynasty.Thesis consists of six parts:Chapter One:Put forward questions,Introduction to the object, meaning, purpose, content and methods. And described the research situation of city and building on context of Qi culture before Qin Dynasty.Chapter Two: Discussion to pattern of local culture in our country,historical status of Qilu culture,the process of Qi culture’s form, mature, climax, summarization to basic characteristics of Qi culture,contrasting to the characteristics of Qi and Lu culture.Chapter There: Summarization to Qi state’s ideas of urban planning and characteristics of construction on context of Qi culture on Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Period,Analyzing to Qi capital.Chapter Four:Induction to architectural type and technology,decorative art on Qi Dynasty. And before Qi Dynasty.Chapter Five: Summarization to significance of inheriting and applying Qi culture and Qi building,and principle and method of constructing Qi culture project,take project of Pingdu Qi Feng old town in Qingdao for example designing practice. Chapter Six:A summary of the full text,and put forward relevant Suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:the pre-Qin period, Qi culture, urban planning, architectural form
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