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The Enforcement Actualities And Problems’ Reason Analysis Of Simultaneous Policy In The Power-generation Enterprises In Northwest China

Posted on:2010-07-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R JieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2231360272487843Subject:Environmental Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Although there are limits in financial and human resources, the government still acts the most effective role in the environmental protection by making and implementing environmental policies. The Chinese government has issued a lot of environmental policies to cope with degradation of environment in China since the first environmental management regulation–“Simultaneous Policy”was enacted in 1972.“Simultaneous Policy”requires that the environmental-protective facilities accompanying a construction project must be designed, constructed and put into effort as simultaneously as the major part of the project.The theses aims to propose suggestions to enhance the environmental management in China, and be a reference for new decisions to resolve those serious environmental problems, like environmental deterioration, natural resources depletion, and eco-system destruction.The thesis describes how the“Simultaneous Policy”is being carried out in the power-generation enterprises in Northwest China. Firstly, it introduces the origin, the essentials and the current managing mode of the policy. Then, it explains why some key industries in Northwest China must employ the policy and be supervised by the government, based on the overall situation of natural environment and economic development. Next, it concludes that there are still many problems in the carry-out process of the policy, especially in the power-generation enterprises, shown in statistics and analysis in the supervision reports by the government. These problems might be a huge threat to the vulnerable eco-system in Northwest China. At last, but not the least, it analyzes the reason why those problems exist. The operating system of the governmental management, the awareness of the enterprises, as well as the effort of the different environmental-protection government agencies to enforce the policy are all important factors. Strategic suggestions are made to improve the implementation of the policy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Northwest China, power-generation, the“Simultaneous Policy”
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