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The Research Of Contemporary Chinese Women’s Beauty Fashion

Posted on:2013-04-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J WenFull Text:PDF
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Today, there is a growing by the objects, service and material wealth that form a strikingconsumption and abundant phenomenon all around us. It constituted a kind of fundamentalchange of the human natural environment. Jean Baudrillard tipped us that we had enteredmass consumption society, consuming not only the objects, but also the extension of theobjects-symbolic meaning, fashionable element.Beauty fashion is the consumption phenomenon for the objects or service of the beautyfashion symbol. It didn’t appear in the modern. In ancient times, people had the selectiveconsumption of hairstyle, figure, facial makeup look, rouge color, foot size and etc.. However,beauty fashion developed in the modern, and prospered in the contemporary.Contemporary beauty fashion of Chinese women started later, and experienced threestages, no fashion period, kinds of beauty fashion parallel developing, and other fashionmutual deriving. In this three stages, beauty fashion of makeup, dye, tattoos, medical cosmeticand fitness came into women’s lives gradually, enriching the way of beauty fashion.In the development of beauty fashion, we couldn’t ignore the importance of body. Allbeauty fashion is based on body. The body as aesthetic object, bore the connotation of beauty,performed the aesthetic interest, and presented the aesthetic practice. The body as the carrierof fashion, acted as a fashionable mold, promoted the fashion trends, and consumed fashionsymbol significance.In addition, the development of the contemporary Chinese beauty fashion is a processthat is the necessity of historical development, and also has the contingencies of history.People’s values and mental state have changed a lot in the60years. First, it derived from thefounding of new China. The status of women and sex power of women have been confirmed,sex right has been liberated; Second, it was the impact of the western philosophy thoughts,ideas and consumption concept to the Chinese traditional ideas, which broke the old andingrained belief; Finally, the openness of environment provided a good development space forpsychological external present.Beauty fashion has been affecting our lives. It appeared not to increase the interest of ourlife, beauty the world, promote the progress of the aesthetic standards. It’s a kind of aestheticexperience and game experience of daily life. Beauty fashion has been deconstructing andreconstructing constantly. Its purpose is to construct difference. People were classified.Fashion is always changing, but the only unchanged is the rules of the game.
Keywords/Search Tags:Beauty fashion, Women, Contemporary, Body, Experience
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