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Aimed At Ecological Civilization Eclogical Consumption Research

Posted on:2013-06-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2231330395454074Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The formation of ecological consumption patterns is a historical necessity, but alsoinevitable requirement for China’s ecological civilization construction; at the same time, theeco-consumer advocacy will enable the construction of ecological civilization able to buildmore complete. Therefore, from the perspective of ecological consumption to study theconstruction of ecological civilization, has a very important theoretical and practicalsignificance.This article except preface and epilogue outside, main points five parts:The first part of this paper, and the releted concept. Ecological consumption into theeco-civilized society, was established for the fourth after the consumption patterns followingthe original consumption of natural resources, frugal consumption patterns, extravagantconsumption. Ecological consumption is ecological civilized society, a consumer advocate inorder to get rid of the ecological plight of the industrial civilization, this consumption patternsfocus on the ecological needs, based on ecological protection, as its technical support forecological industry, ecological culture as the essence of its meaning. The basic characteristicsof the ecological consumption is moderate, green and sustainability. The ecologicalcivilization thought in the Chinese traditional ecological concept, the ecological concept ofthe Marxist concept as well as in the ecological concept of eco-Marxism all can find its form.Ecological civilization broad and narrow sense, a broad point of view, ecological civilization,a new civilization, which is a new form of civilization following the process of socialdevelopment of human civilization of hunter-gatherer civilization, agricultural civilization andindustrial civilization. From the narrow point of view, the ecological civilization belongs to acivilization aspect, to reveal the level of civilization attained by the society from the piont ofview of man and nature relationship, the spiritual civilization, the political civilization, thepolitical civilization, the social civilization together constitute a society’s complete form. Thebasic characteristics of the ecological civilization, including the ecological way of thinking,mode of development of ecological and consumption patterns. With the change of humancivilization, consumption patterns change: mining the hunting period of civilization, human beings survive through the original consumption of natural resources; period of agriculturalcivilization, human beings by the thrifty consumer spending fruits of their labor; period ofindustrial civilization, human beings through the extravagant consumption the way to conquernature; period of ecological civilization, human ecological consumption patterns in harmonywith nature.The second part discusses the advocacy of the importance of ecological consumption onthe construction of ecological civilization. In theory, ecological consumption in theconsumption process, human subjectivity to nature and to be bound by the established pointof view, to consolidate the idea of the main ecological concept; ecological consumption isconcerned about the rights of persons, is also concerned about to the natural right, toconsolidate the ecological concept of dialectical thinking; ecological consumer advocate inthe consumption process, coordinated and sustainable point of view, to be able to consolidatethe concept of a harmonious ecological thingking. The concept of ceological consumptioncomes from practice and guide the practice, therefor, in practice, to promote ecologicalconsumption is conducive to promoting the construction of ecological civilization; promoteecological consumption is conducive to promoting the social production of ecological;advocate free and comprehensive ecological consumption in favor of people developments.The third part analyzes the poor consumption patterns in the process of construction ofecological civilization, is not conducive to ecological harmony; on the hazards of theseadverse consumer on the construction of ecological civilization. In China, the poorconsumption include: heavy material consumption, the light spirit of the one-sidedness ofliving consumption patterns, material wealth and consumption as a personal achievement andstatus symbol of luxury consumption, and after the consumption of consumer goods to meettheir own needs as a waste to discard the fast food consumption patterns. These poorconsumption patterns caused varying degrees of conflict between man and nature, conflictbetween man and society and conflict between people, a serious threat to the construction ofecological civilization.The fourth part analyzes the reason of the poor consumption patterns in the process ofChina’s construction of ecological civilization. First of all, by the different consumer values, these values include the traditional Chinese concept of consumption as well as the Westernconcept of consumerism. Secondly, by the unreasonable system, these unreasonable systeminclude the income distribution system, education system, consumer legislation and lawenforcement system. Finally, by the impact of modern technological development, includingthe impact of modern science and technology development process to produce scientific andtechnological optimism, as well as non-ecological production methods, the mass media.The fifth part discusses the path to promote ecological consumption in order tostrengthen the construction of ecological civilization. From the level of consciousness,including foster ecological awareness; cultivation of an ecological concept of consumption.From the level of system perspective, including the reform of the income distribution system;establish ecological consumer education system; sound environmental law enforcementsystem. From the level of science and technology, including the establishment of ecologicalscience and technology system; to develop ecological industry; the right to play the functionof the mass media. The recommendation in this article can be implemented has an importantrole in promoting the construction of ecological civilization.The construction of ecological civilization from all aspects of construction, consumptionis one of the important aspects of the construction of ecological civilization, we must alwaysare carrying out the consumer behavior in daily life to start, the better to promote theconstruction of ecological civilization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ecological view, Ecological civilization, Consumption, Ecologicalconsumption
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