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Monitoring TCA And TCP Technology Of Wine And Cork

Posted on:2013-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2231330374962726Subject:Food Science
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TCA contamination is a common problem in the wine industry and any use corkor use the barrel to the traditional winemaking wineries are likely to face this problem.Once the winery is the pollution, removal of such substances is very time-consumingand money. TCA is a chemical byproduct of mold and chlorine react, which is oftenused as a winery cleaning fluids, or used to wash away the natural cork, cork, mold,and chlorinated water in a very prone to this problem. Wine in musty pollution is oneof the most serious problems in the modern wine industry. TCA (trichloroanisole)contamination in wine have long aroused the concern of the people in the UnitedStates and Europe since the middle of last century consumers noticed the package partof the cork wine has great defects-rubber the musty cork package, the consumers ofthis flavor is very sensitive to its odor caused by consumers not acceptable thresholdlevel is generally between4-10ng/L, so this kind of material consumption those greatimpact. This kind of material each year to the world’s wine industry billions of dollarsin losses, the country has just started on this study, the subject through the followingfour aspects to discuss the wines in the TCA formation mechanism, and the impact onthe wine.First, the main premise of material to produce TCA trichlorophenol (TCP), studiedto determine whether the cork or wine potentially contaminated by TCA. Developedusing acetic anhydride derived column derivatization pre-treatment and the use ofheadspace solid phase micro extraction (SPME) method for the determination of thecork and wine in the TCP method, tests have shown that this method is goodreproducibility, and RSD <10%. Test line at about1ng/l. Good linearity. Recovery is80-120%. Through cork detection can determine whether they contain this substancewhich can determine whether the potential of TCA.Second, we test several common cork by means of the method of ITEX-GC-ECD.According to the retention time for material characterization, with the internalstandard for quantitative determination of cork in the TCA, the internal standard forthe DCA (Dichloroanisole). Different types of cork contains different amount of TCA, a large number of trials to prove this method with good results, the detection limit inthe1ppt about the determination of TCA can be drawn. Tested this method of TCA inwine has good practicability.Third, the mechanism of the TCA results show that: the TCP in the presence ofappropriate microorganisms can be converted into the TCA, Certain microorganismscan make TCP into TCA, After a week culture, drawn after weather chromatographylongibrachiatum and Trichodermaviride culture medium with TCA generated in themedium supplemented with TCP. Different strains into different capacities andTrichoderma viride conversion rate of about20%. Mechanism can be drawn: in thewine during the packaging process to avoid this microbial contamination will be acorresponding reduction of TCA contamination.Fourth, sensory threshold sensory TCA in2-10ng/L. Depending on the differentsolvent TCA sensory threshold, the solubility in ethanol is good, the lowest threshold,the threshold in water is relatively high, the other different people at different timesand environmental sensory threshold is different, this experiment is transformed fromthe use of mold TCA12%ethanol preparation of different concentrations of TCAsolution. TCA solution of the corresponding concentration of TCA in12%ethanolextract of cork made to verify the sensitivity of the laboratory personnel of these twosamples the concentration of TCA. Through triangle parallel testing, the preparationof each gradient preparation of two parallel samples of a control sample, one of thedifferences in the three samples to determine the TCA. To verify the level ofawareness of the different TCA, and hope that this paper will provide basic technicalsupport to explore the evaluation of cork quality and improve the quality of our wine.With further research, scientific and technological means improving. it’s believedthat it will gradually improve the quality of the wine. As a health drink, it must begaining increasing popularity of wine.
Keywords/Search Tags:TCP, TCA, cork, taint, mold wine
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