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Component Analysis Of The Colloidal Impurities And Study Of The Causation Of The Polymer

Posted on:2013-05-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y N TaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2231330374466175Subject:Chemical processes
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Massive amount of black and yellow colloidal material was found in the filter bag of thepolymer surfactant in the preparation site which has a pungently rancid smell. The filteringdevices were severely blocked and the equipment was eroded due to the existence of suchsubstances. For this reason, we research on five points which we believe are the key tosolving the problem. These are the impurities in the colloidal polymer mother solution, on-siteexperiments, jelly formation mechanism, the effect of the jelly on the polymer solutionviscosity and operation conditions. Meanwhile, simulation experiments were carried out toanalyze the reason of the formulation of the impurities in the colloidal polymer mothersolution mainly from three aspects, namely organic composition, bacteria and theconcentration of the inorganic ion. In addition, we performed sample description and pHvalue determination on the on-site samples. We also investigated the effects the factors suchlike preparation concentration of polymer solution, curing time, shear rate, pH value,mineralization degree and the bacterial content of the water source used in the preparation ofthe solution have on the formulations of the impurities in the colloidal polymer mothersolution. Results show that the main components of the colloidal in the surfactant andpolyacrylamide solutions are polymer surfactant, polyacrylamide, inorganic ions includingcalcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, bacteria including sulfate-reducing bacteria(SRB), saprophytic bacteria(TGB), and iron bacteria(FB). The reason for the formulation ofthe jelly is that the Fe3+that formed from the erosion of the pipeline was hydrolyzed by thebacteria and forms the multinuclear aldol condensation compound which then, crosslinks withthe carboxyl group and gives out the yellow colloidal material. FeS in the erosion product isresponsible for the black viscous content in the polymer surfactant solution, and metabolitesH2S of the sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) as well as NH3from the degradation of thepolymer surfactant make the solution gives out the pungently rancid smell. The jelly has adegradation effect on the viscosity of the surfactant and polyacrylamide, and the6ddegradation rates are around63%,86%. The black viscous content and the yellow colloidalmaterial were found in the simulation experiments. There is also a trend of growingpopulation of bacteria in the formulation of the jelly. The organic compositions of thecolloidal materials from both the simulation experiments solutions and the site solution arethe same. It is amide substances. Unlike UPAM, the surfactant is salt resistant. And undersuitable operating conditions, it can greatly reduce the formulation of the colloidal materials.
Keywords/Search Tags:polymer, colloidal materials, crosslinking, bacteria, operating conditions
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