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The Research On Pricing Rights Of China Cotton

Posted on:2012-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2219330371953928Subject:Economics of Regulation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Cotton is one of the most important economic crops.It occupies a very important position in agriculture. Cotton industry and cotton textile are closely related, and cotton is the main raw materials of the textile industry.Cotton industry has a huge industry chain in China, and cotton farmers grow cotton in the cotton industry upstream. If cotton industry develops well, cotton farmers will get good income. In the cotton industry downstream, the supply of cotton industry affects the development of textile industry, and relates to the staffs life in textile industry. We must have a clear understanding of the importance of the cotton industry. China is the biggest cotton producers in the world. And at the same time China is the biggest cotton consumer in the world. The textile industry is flourishing, and develops well. It needs lots of cotton. China's own production is not enough to satisfy all the needs. China need to import cotton, and China is cotton importers. China joined to the world trade organization in 2001 years later, the cotton market open thoroughly. There are lots of foreign cotton in China's market, and China's cotton industry facing the fierce international competition environment. China's cotton industry does not have pricing rights in the international market, and it is bad to the development of cotton industry.How to improve the pricing rights of China cotton, and it have the important practical significance in promoting the healthy development of China's cotton industry.This paper bases on cotton pricing rights, and analyses the reason of losing pricing rights:first, there is not specific details on cotton subsidies, and there is not perfect laws and regulations to support the cotton subsidies policy. China joined to the world trade organization in 2001 years later, China's cotton industry facing the impact of foreign cotton industry. The paper analyses that high cotton subsidies bring influence on international cotton market. And China faces the huge impact on the domestic cotton market. China needs cotton, and also needs to import it. In the international cotton market, China needs to import cotton which depends on the cotton in the USA. The high cotton subsidies in the USA affect the cotton's price in the international market. China's cotton does not have pricing rights, and it gives a huge impact on China's cotton industry. It is bad to cotton farmer's income. The European Union is cotton net importer, and it affects the cotton export in China. The European's high cotton subsidies protect the cotton farmers. In the international cotton market, the cotton which comes from EU has a low price. It affects the cotton's price in the international market. China's cotton does not have pricing rights, and it gives a huge impact on China's cotton industry. It is bad to cotton farmer's income. Second, China uses BT cotton seed, and it is in the proportion between 70% and 80%. And the core technology of the genetically on cotton in China modified by Monsanto and controlled by Monsanto. China can't update the Bt cotton seed at the first time, and it faces many problems:the main inspects number drops, but the secondary pests number increases. China's cotton production will reduce and the demand of China's cotton gap will increase. The pesticide which we use on Bt cotton was also controlled by Monsanto. China does not have pricing rights, and China have to use the pesticide. It increases the cost of cotton production. China cotton faces the high cotton subsidies and Monsanto patent monopoly. China cotton has been double shock, and the China cotton in the international market losts pricing right. After analysing the reason of losing cotton pricing rights, this paper will analyse how to affect China's cotton pricing rights. At last, this paper gives some suggestions.The paper has three parts:the first part researches the influence of cotton subsidies to cotton industry and then finds the influence on pricing rights of China's cotton in the international market. We stress on the influence based on the European and American countries cotton subsidies' influence to China's cotton industry; the second part researches the influence of Monsanto's Bt cotton on China's cotton pricing rights; the third part researches Chinese should take measures to improve China's cotton pricing rights. The paper has six chapters. The first chapter raises questions; the second chapter shows that the influences of cotton subsidies to cotton industry and the development of Bt cotton at home and abroad, and the scholars are doing research; The third chapter basically shows the production and trade of cotton in the world, especially the countries such as the USA, the European Union and China. The fourth chapter analyses the cotton subsidies how to affect the pricing rights of China's cotton; The fifth chapter shows cotton breeding and agriculture enterprise intellectual property rights strategy on China's cotton pricing influence; the sixth chapter shows the government policy and suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:cotton's pricing rights, cotton subsidies, international competition policy
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