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An Explorative Study On The Status Quo And The Prospects For China's Blueberry Exportation

Posted on:2012-08-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2219330371953314Subject:International Trade
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Blueberry is a kind of plant in Vaccinium (Ericaceae), and named by its blue color as a fruit. Because the nutritious value and economic value is very high compared to other fruits, it has been a very popular fruit with bright prospects of development. In China, since the industrialization of blueberry in 1999, more than 10 provinces have gradually begun to cultivate this little blue fruit. The involvement of domestic enterprises and capital has made this industry one of the rapidly developed businesses. In recent years, the production scale of blueberry has greatly increased in China and the world, yet the production cannot meet its demand over the world even if its price is much higher than other fruits. In some developed countries like United States, blueberry is one of popular fruits for most families. However, in China, very few people know about its real function and its application. In actual fact, the healthy function of it surpasses other fruits to be the "queen of the fruits". Before 1997, the output of blueberry was too low to meet the world demand, but after 1998, the production surged due to the increase of cultivating area. Recently, many countries are striving to develop blueberry industry, by 2007, more than 30 nations have planted blueberries, the whole planting area reached 120 thousand hm2, annual production turned out to be 280 thousand tons compared to 45 thousand tons in 1970, the increase rate is 30% in the past 10 years. The United States and Canada are primordial countries in blueberry industry, and European countries are also increase blueberries to keep up with the market needs.Wild blueberry production is very limited in our country, and they nearly converged in Daxinganling and Xiaoxinganling areas. Blueberry cultivating industry is less than 30 years in China, whether in the quality of fruit, varies, market needs or in logistics, we have big gap with developed countries. Some foreign countries have studied blueberry cultivation and its processing food for one hundred years, they lead blueberry industry and they have deeper research on blueberry varieties, high yield skills, they have stronger needs and perfect logistics. In our country, there is huge loss in every chain of transportation which made a higher cost of fresh fruit. Currently, the main blueberry consumers are high-end consumers, and it is mainly sold in rated hotels and supermarket.After the introduction of blueberry seedlings since 1980s, China has witnessed a fast development in the cultivating skill and processing skill. As the unique characters of this plant, its varieties and distribution are different according to the local situation, including climate, soil and the amount of precipitation, etc. many regions have realized the high profit margin and good market, they begin to list blueberry industry as a key item to develop and give favorable support.Blueberry industry is a sunrise industry in Contemporary China, all of production is in the stage of introduction phase, our blueberry output is relatively low compared to other countries, and most of it is exported to other regions, only a few is sold in domestic market with a high price. Unlike most of other fruit, blueberry is a "high-tech agriculture" that needs continuous research and test to find the best variety in certain environment.In domestic market, there are various kinds of processed products which are similar with the foreign ones, but most of them are low-end productions, a lag in technology is a vital restraining factor in Chinese blueberry industry.Although we are late in developing and not in the lead of technology, there are some advantageous factors that surpassed other countries to develop our blueberry industry. As a new industry, its potential is huge and the competitiveness of exportation is strengthened every year. This is why I choose this subject:by analyzing its competitiveness, I intend to arouse Chinese people's attention to blueberry and this industry. The purpose of this thesis is to make an explorative study on the export prospect of China's blueberry industry. Chapter one firstly introduces the background and purpose of this paper, starting with an overall look at the world blueberry industry. North America, South America and Europe are the major areas where blueberry is planted, processed and marketed. The companies in these areas started the business earlier, gained much more expertise and developed very fast. In contrast, China is a late comer in blueberry industry, lack of experiences and technology. In early years, China's large part of blueberry output came from wild-grown blueberry, so the volume is so limited, because it depended greatly on climate and harvests were fairly unstable. Since the cultivating industry started, there emerged a rising sign and great potential. Chapter one illustrates this trend with the various regional planning and measures for the development.Chapter two, the core of this paper, analyzes each factor highlighted in Porter's Diamond Model, pointing out what is competitive and what is not compared to other countries. So far most of the Chinese blueberry products are for exporting, with only a small percentage for domestic market. Because of the large international demand and limited supply, Chinese blueberry is easy to have a ready market. But in the long run, we face the risk of competition from other countries. Compared to blueberry development abroad, we have our strength and weakness, opportunity and threat. Only by adopting its advantage while avoiding its shortcomings can an industry become booming. Factor analysis can help to identify which resource is competitive and fundamental, which ones are advanced resources to need setting special eyes on; as for demand situation, domestic market has not yet been developed enough to compete with foreign needs, but it is just a potential chance for the sale of blueberry; enterprise strategy, structure and rivalry is a requisite way to enhance company's competitiveness from the angle of company itself; government plays a decisive role in the development of an industry, it not only needs to provide support in both capital and policy, but also creates a free competition environment and to form industry "clusters". The paper gives a simple cost and income accounting to explain the feasibility of planting blueberry in China.The third chapter analyzes the status quo of Chinese blueberry export, pointing out what types of entry modes are appropriate for Chinese blueberry internationalization. Different entry modes have different advantage and disadvantage in different stages of development, for Chinese blueberry companies, indirect entry modes like foreign distributor and agent are favorable nowadays because they can enter international market as soon as possible. After companies have capital power, they should choose direct enter modes to enlarge their sales and enhance the brand publicity. In addition, blueberry association is a good new way to increase foreign market share.The forth chapter is a practical part of this paper. In order to make the paper more persuasive, the writer chooses a typical blueberry planting and processing base Dandong in Liaoning province to give specific strength and some problems in developing blueberry. Dandong has its geographical advantage and natural advantage, yet it is faced with some management problem, such as lack of necessary skill and integrated planning. With this case study, the writer intends to dig deeply what should be noticed and avoided, most importantly, by drawing experiences from other fruit business in foreign countries and in China, we can design better development strategy for blueberry industry.Therefore, in the last chapter, some developing strategies are proposed from the perspective of government, industry chain, logistics, promotion channel and the function of blueberry association, I hope to inspire better and comprehensive developing ideas to help improve the international competitiveness of this industry and enhance its exportation.
Keywords/Search Tags:blueberry, status quo, export prospects
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