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Development Mode Of The Investment Bank In Securites Companies

Posted on:2012-06-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2219330371464974Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, Wall Street is the core of the modern financial market; the investment banks are the pride and the spirit of the Wall Street. However, the financial crisis spread over the world through 2008, the biggest five:Goldman Saches, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Leman Brother, Bear Sterns bankrupted or merged in just half year, which make U.S. falling in "once-in-a-century tsunami". Under the financial shock, the liquidity disappeared, the funding cost increase sharply, making institutions cannot normalize until today.To stabilize the market, Chinese governments bring out the 4 trillion economic stimulus plans:"to expand domestic demand, to maintain growth, to stable exchange rate", which pull the economy out of its slump.In 2011, peripheral environments chaos, EU debt crisis, U.S. sovereign debt downgrade, the Middle East turbulence, Japan earthquake and nuclear leak, etc... disrupt the Chinese market, additionally, the import of inflation and record high CPI are the difficulty for macroeconomic control. Because of economic integration and globalization, Chinese markets are no longer the independent but the important part of the world. Under the volatility period, domestic securities companies and investment banks are facing the challenge.Financial crisis force Wall Street redefining, the once "top investment bank" falling. Globalization makes the one of the biggest economic entity:China, in the central of the financial market. It is critical to research the special models of Chinese investment banks. This paper is based on the finance and investment bank's value; compare domestic and foreign investment bank's payoff mode and development mode. Dependent on globalization, presenting personal ideals about domestic companies' payoff mode and business mode, hopefully, to make Chinese finance more advance.
Keywords/Search Tags:globalization, securities company, investment bank, development mode
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