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A Research On The Technological Innovation Of The Silkworm Industry In Guangxi

Posted on:2012-07-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L X XiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2219330371457934Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In order to further promote the comprehensive development of the technological innovation of the Silkworm industry in Guangxi,and get the purposes of promoting the silkworm industrial in Guangxi to restructure,upgrade and transormation,this paper that generalized theory of technological innovation as the guide use the the methods of survey analysis,theory with practice,comparative analysis,induction and deducti-on analysis to study the reality of the silkworm industry and identify its shortcoming in Guangxi,starting with the six areas of product innovation, organization and management innovation,research innovation,production innovation,market innovation,environment innovation,and point out its achievements and identify its shortcoming in the development.what's more,this paper made a comparative study for main technological inno-vation of silkworm industry at home and abroad and proposed strategies of future development of technology innovation of Guangxi.The paper through analysis and thought that in the current Guangxi has taken a series of measures to promote the technological innovation of silkworm industry to achieve initial success.But with the development of the silkworm industry in Guangxi,there have emerged a series of promblems which hinder the further development of technological innovation.In terms of products, it lacks the pool of sericulture species, and it has low quality of silkworm eggs and silk,it has single function and single-use;in terms of organization and management the subject of techn ologica innovation is not clear,and their interests of business and sericulturist is unreasonable distribution,the regionalization of sericulture and the degree of large-scale production is not enough;in terms of scientific research, the sericulture is still a lack of professionals in general,scientific research system is not perfect,the cooperation of companies,universities and research institutes are not close;in terms of the production,the capacity of the cocoon processing filatures is not strong, resources of the sericulture are not effictively Integration,many advanc-ed production technology does not promote;in terms of market,the indust-ry chain is not comlpete,the market is not standardized,the development of regional market is inadequate;in terms of innovation environment,the policies which support the development of the sericulture are inadequate, the channels of investment and finacing are over a single. In order to learn from the experience at home and abroad,I make a comparative study for the technological innovation of main silkworm ind-ustry at home and abroad,and point out the development direction of tech-nology innovation of the silkworm industry at home and abroad;in terms of products,it tends to use ways to foster silkworms which have high quality, hybrid and many varieties of economic value;in terms of the pro-duction,it tends to mechanization,labor saving,standardization,scale and regional production;in terms of the organization and management,it tends to integrated operations of trade,industry and agriculture;in terms of the scientific research,it focus on research cooperation between the universi-ties,enterprises and research institutes,and establish R&D center of lea-ding enterprises of sericulture;in terms of the market,it focuses on bro-adening the internal market,improving the industrial chain,and focuses on branding,the government appropriate control;in terms of the environ-ment,in addition to policy support,full use of various resources to deve-lop the sericulture in the country.At the same time it draw on the experi-ence for Guangxi:the sericulture of Guangxi must cultivate and use of high quality varieties,form a industrial model that risks and benefits are shared,strenghen research cooperation between universities enterprises and research institutes,and establish research centers of the enterprises;to promote the sericulture to develop in effort,regional and ecooriented dire-ction;to broaden the domestic and perfect way to increase market chain competitiveness;the government must fully create a favorable environm-ent for the development of the sericulture;the leading reeling enterprises are the subject of the technological innovation of the sericulture.Based on the analysis of current situation,problems and a comparative study,this paper point out the strategy of the future development of the technology innovation of the sericulture of Guangxi.In terms of products,it should be targeted to establish the librare of the sericulture species,foster and promote high-yield and high quality species with a variety of economic value;in terms of the organization and management,it must establish the dominant positon of the leading companies reeling,establish and improve management system of the sericulture,promote the industrial business model;in terms of scientific research,it must intensify efforts to train and introduce personnels,strenghen research cooperation and establi-sh the technology center of enterprises,establish a complete system of ser-iculture research and technology promotion;in terms of the production, it must integrate resources,improve the capacity of the production and processing of reeling enterprises,vigorously promote the sericulture of the labor saving and advanced technology of sericulture,create a complete production system and the standard system of the product quality of the sericulture;in terms of the market,it must improve the market system and the industrial chain of the sericulture,and fully explore the market of the sericulture in Guangxi,strengthen the humantities building,open up to tourism market of the sericulture;in terms of the environment,further imp-rove the policy system of the sericulture,build multi-channel financing system of the serculture,give full play to regional advantages,promote the development of sericulture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Guangxi, silkworm industry, technological innovation, strategy
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