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Age Security System With Cinese Characteristics, The Construcion Of Rural

Posted on:2012-06-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2219330368990738Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The main components of social security: social insurance, social assistance, state revenue-funded welfare benefits and family allowances, and savings funds, including the development of social security around the various supplementary programs. With the development of China's rural economy and the country's rural areas to increase transfer payments to social security of these components will gradually into the daily life of ordinary people of China constitute the material basis for their pension.Now covers the entire country to promote the establishment of rural social old-age security system, there are still a number of difficulties and institutional barriers, introduced in 1992, "Social Security program at the county level in rural areas"(for Trial Implementation) (click the "Basic Plan") for the first time Endowment of farmers into consideration the Government has epoch-making significance. However, which is the establishment of rural old-age security has brought serious economic difficulties. Scientific concept of development is the theme of development of our times, urban and rural development and regional development to guide China's economic and social development, scientific guidance, within the region at the provincial level for over 65 years old at the provincial level of basic pension issues, and The central government led by the working age population for the individual contributions of national co-ordinating fund-type solution Endowment is the only way.During the long feudal times, feudal dynasties in China are promoting a "filial piety" rule of thought, and it will form a "small filial household management, a large country of filial piety, " the Chinese Filial Piety. The second chapter, highlighted the traditional filial piety thought and culture, and respect for the elderly pension measures in each period, which we build our pension system has many characteristics of enlightenment; The third chapter of the State Council promulgated in 1992, the "county-level rural social old-age security programs, " gradually in the implementation process failure, and on this basis, using game theory proves the issue in the pension can not shirk the responsibility of the government; Chapter IV, the first of three of popular old-age security in today's world financing patterns compared through the use of mathematical tools related to a pay system that emerged and fully funded system is equivalent to the condition of economics, and to design appropriate national conditions of China Mode of financing old-age security; Chapter V of the fourth chapter in the old-age security system designed empirical research, as in 2009 and 2010 data are not complete, the fifth chapter in the data used in all the data in 2008, first with a total of seven Comparative economic indicators, the economic development of China's provinces are divided into eight conditions developed regions, 19 regions and four developing less developed regions, and then three specific areas of economic development and the ability to pay farmers Empirical research, and ultimately established that the various regions in China covers the entire pension system in rural areas and the feasibility of specific difficulties.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban and rural, Layered implementation, Classification, Implementation, Chinese characteristics
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