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The "Great Science" System And The Science Culture In The Early Period Of New China

Posted on:2012-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R M SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2219330368989875Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Science system and science culture are the important social formations of the modern science. Closely related to each other, both of them continuously interact and influence each other. Newly-founded China has completed the transformation of the science system and established the China-featured "Great science" system. Being a representative science system, the Great science has a close relationship with the science culture. The paper will discuss the interactive relationship between them. The traditional culture with long civilization is pregnant with the science culture of China, which has an effect on the establishment of the Great science. The mass science view formed in new China provided a strong incentive for the "Great science" system and eventually the China-featured "Great science" system was formed. This system adapted to the demand for the construction of our country, further advanced the science culture construction, and made our country make brilliant achievements in science in the 1950s and 1960s. It also formed a fine interaction between the "Great science" system and the science culture.Under particular background characteristic of times, however, with the development of science system and science culture, the disadvantages of the "Great science" itself appeared and had a bad effect on the development of the science culture in our country, thus leading to the politicized view of science culture, and making the scientific and technological undertakings suffer Great loss.According to the content and structure, the paper is made up of three sections, that is, introduction, body and concluding remarks.The first section gives a general introduction of the two concepts and makes a list of the relevant research situation at home and abroad. Besides, it elaborates research purpose, meaning, methods, contents and innovations of the paper.The body section consists of four parts. The first part refers to the correspondence between the traditional Chinese culture and the China-featured "Great science" system.Chinese science culture was born in traditional Chinese culture. This part mainly elaborates on the effect that the traditional Chinese culture has on the development of science system in new China. Especially the excellent collective socialist values, utilitarianism science and macro integrated traditional in the traditional Chinese culture provide important cultural foundation. They also offer the important soft environment of the China-featured "Great science" system.The second part is about "the mass science culture view and the formation of the China-featured'Great science' system".Our science and technology enterprises entered a new stage of development in the new China. With the social transformation and the establishment of the democratic regime of the people, the mass science view was formed. It adapted to the request of the social economy and the development of scientific enterprises and had significant influence on the development of science and society. Guided and influenced by the mass science view, our science system has been perfected gradually, and formed the China-featured "Great science" system in the 1950s and 1960s.The third part is about "the China-featured'Great science'system and the achievements of the science culture"In the China-featured "Great science" system, our country gathered nation-wide human, material and financial resources rapidly in a short period to solve the urgent technological problems in national construction.It made Great achievements and also Greatly shortened the gap with the world science and technology. Therefore, this period was also called a "golden era" in the contemporary science and technology history. Especially the national science planning, the rising of the emerging national defense technology and the rapid improvement of the industrial and agricultural science, etc, reflected the superiority of the China-featured "Great science" system. The fourth part is about "the China-featured'Great science'system and the political science culture view".The planned economy system in China required sectors of the national economy and the development should be directly controlled by the government within a long time with no exception, which determined the distinction between China-featured "Great science" and western science system. First of all, it had the obvious political tendency. For example, the China-featured "Great science" contained too much political factors and influenced the science cultural construction because of the highly administrative management in science and technology management system and science personnel organization system, which eventually led to the formation of the political science culture view.Concluding section is a summary and outlook. This section discusses innovation and inadequacies of this paper. Meanwhile, it looks forward to the further research on this topic.
Keywords/Search Tags:the China-featured "Great science" system, the mass science culture view, the political science culture view
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