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Analysis On The Influence Of The Inerregional Trade On The Industrial Structure In Gansu Province

Posted on:2012-09-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2219330368476041Subject:International Trade
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reform and opening-up policy with the guidance of encouraging export, the international trade has a prosperous period. Compared with the speed of inter-provincal trade, which has a bit slow. After the financial crisis, the state began to actively expand domesitic demand and the link among regional trade strengthen gradually, which has the vital practical significance of overall the domestice economy. On the geographical location is not dominant, long-term irrational industrial structure, Gansu Province, the development of the importance of interregional trade to some extent far greater than international trade.Due to the research on interregional trade and industry structure is not much, and the theoretical system not yet formed. The article drawing on the relationship of foreign trade and interaction, forming both theoretical and empirical aspects, combining with Gansu province, in order to analyse in order to provide a more target-oriented help.Firstly, this paper systematically analyzed the foundation theory and mechanism of interregional trade and industry structure. Interregional trade can strengthen capital accumulation accelerate technological progress, promote the upgrading of industrial structure even optimization. Secondly, through analying the conditon and environment of internal and external trade with SWOT analysis, and comparing interregional trade and industry structure of Gansu province and China, theoretically further explains how interregional trade influence the industry structure. Once more, through to data regression analysis, it is concluded that the area border trade and the industrial structure has obvious relevance. Finally, according to the conclusion, the article puts forward relevant policy from the macroscopic and the microscopic stratification.
Keywords/Search Tags:Interregional trade, Industry structure, Gansu
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