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Research On The Development Model Of Huitang SPA Tourist District Based On Community Participation

Posted on:2012-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2219330338972664Subject:Tourism Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the advent of leisure time, the development of SPA tourism shows boom in unprecedented scene. Especially with the construction and development of SPA tourism areas, how to find a suitable SPA tourism development model is a key problem which the government planning departments and tourism corporates must consider and concern. In tourism development, community participation has been a major concern, how to solve the problem in tourist areas, especially the relationship between community participation and sustainable development of the important issues. In this paper, Huitang tourism area as the research object, based on community participation perspective, we are trying to find a proper community participation model in the status of Huitang development.Firstly, on the basis of previous research, sorting out the concepts of SPA tourism area and community participation, using the ecology tourism theory, sustainable development theory, stakeholder theory and system theory as the theory basis of community participation in tourism development. Analyze three typical models: government-oriented, corporate-oriented and community-oriented, outline and compare three features and applicabilities. Then analyze the selection of the models.Then, the analysis of Huitang SPA tourism background of community involvement, through visits and questionnaire surveys. Participation by local community residents, and through interviews with Huitang government tourism authorities and corporates to understand the local communities in the state, through the survey results statistics, summary and analysis, we can see, Huitang tourism participation in the community have been made some efforts, but there are still many problems to be solved: the lack of development awareness in community residents, compensation and resettlement of residents in the employment process is slow, low participation in residents, low levels of community involvement, the interests coordination between the corporates and residents in employment.Finally, based on participation community development model analysis and the current community participation development situation in Huitang,"government- dominate & corporate-drive & community participate" in government-led model is the right choice for Huitang. To ensure the effective application of this model, the paper of "economic compensation & social security & job placement" and"industry guide & replacement policy & employment services", as the leading idea, put forward: the smooth flow of communication channel, accelerate the compensation and resettlement process of residents in the employment, enhance the ability of residents in community participation and involvement levels, improve community training system, the five measures to strengthen security system, as well as: a kind of standard tourism planning and decision-making mechanism, improving the social security mechanism for the compensation and resettlement of employment, a reasonable mechanism for the distribution of benefits, a kind of effective education and training mechanism, a kind of fair and transparent mechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:SPA tourism, community participation, development model, Huitang
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