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Obama's New Energy Strategy And Its Impact On China

Posted on:2012-09-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LinFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the president who assumes duty in the background of financial crisis, Mr. Obama places energy industry as the priority force to tackle with the challenge and promote the recovery of the U.S. economy. The goals for the energy strategy can be summed up as the follows: promote employment in short run and propel the economic recovery; take the lead in science and technology development in the long term and continue to guide the world economy towards better future.According to the Analysis of Energy Release(AOE Release)—the bluprint of Obama's energy policy, we can outline the policy that vigorous efforts will be made to develop new energy so that the U.S. can end its high dependency on the import of petroleum and achieve the Energy Independence. Further, the energy strategy is implemented to cope with the climate change challenge and create more jobs internally.As the alternatives for normal fossil fuels, new energies boasts such advantages as being clean and renewable without pollution as well as in line with the demands of sustainable development. Therefore, Obama administration focuses great attetion on the new energy and highlights on many occassions that more efforts and investments should be made in new energy technology research and development, which he believes is the must way for the U.S. to win in the economic rivalry in the future.This thesis tries to analyse Obama's new energy strategy from the following angles as its backgrounds; the process of implementation; the detailed contents and possible problems to encounter. In addition, there is an analysis of the impact of U.S. energy strategy on China's. First, Obama's new strategy will further impede the rising momentum of petroleum price internationally. Second, the international environment will enable the enhanced international cooperation in this regard, thus promoting China's industrial structural upgration and the development of the new energy techonology. But what can be predicted at the same time is the uneasy pressure and challenges brought by Obama's implementation of the new energy strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Obama, New Energy, Strategy, Impact
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