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The Investigation Of The Frontier Ports Economy Of The East Of Northeast

Posted on:2012-09-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y CongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2219330335475701Subject:Human Geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the world today, the tendency of integration of world economy and regional economic collectivization is being strengthened day by day. The global space economic system is becoming the main stream of the development of the world's economy. As a special part, border areas of inland countries and regions is the hinge of the development of the export oriented economy, which is full of opportunities to develop. Emphasizing the development and construction in bilateral border areas, and through this act to give play to its geographical advantage and its own function of economy, so as to make it an economic growth point to spur the development of its backland's economy. This idea has widely been reached a consensus in various countries and regions. The border areas of north-east between China and Russia or China and North Korea are very important and special, in which stand thirty one border ports. These areas have become the channel linking the north and south and the important bridge and channel for bilateral and multilateral trade in sub-regions of the north-east China. The study of the development of border ports'economy in the east of the north-east China endows with the great realistic meaning for the social and economic development of the whole north-east China, and for the strength of cooperation and communications in trade with the surrounding countries, and for the stimulation of the development of regional economy. To make the economic problems of the border ports in the east of north-east China as a starting point, this article deeply analyzed these restraining factors of the economic development in these ports, and proposed systematic countermeasure and suggestion for the border ports.Considering the disorder and short of strategic planning in the development of border ports of north-east China, and after the study of reference descriptions and combination of this region's characters, this article has established an evaluation index sign system correspondingly, through which to evaluate and analyze the importance of each port in the overall economic development quantificationally and qualitatively. And then divide these ports into three levels----core, important, normal, and fix their functions. However, the economic development of border ports is unable to do without the economic support of their backland. Based on these three levels, this article analyzed the backland of the ports and obtained the results that except that some core ports have good relationship with their direct and some indirect backland, the relationship between other ports and their backland are quite bad, which not only cannot transform ports'geographical advantage to economic advantage for backland's economic development, but also affect the economic support and beneficial results of the ports. Considering the external environment and the problems of the port itself, and based on the analyzing of different levels of ports and backland, this article proposed that the advantage of geographic advantage should be taken and strengthen the development of ports while creating a good external environment, which means that: exert the advantages of the ports; achieve developing in difference; conform resources of all ports, core port to be the support, important port to be aide, normal ports to be the supplementary, so as to form the whole competitiveness of the east ports of north-east China and promote the development of ports'economy orderly and healthily. Meanwhile in order to exert the geographic advantages of border ports and economic interacting with their backland, the construction of logistics channel should be strengthened, which will promote a much more widely relation between ports of local and overseas and intensify economic cooperation. These acts will provide a reference for the economic development of the east ports of the north-east China.
Keywords/Search Tags:frontier ports, port economy, east of northeast
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