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Medical Insurance Information System Based On Oracle Database Design And Implementation

Posted on:2011-05-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Y ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2218330368994322Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Medical Insurance is an important part of national social security systems and the important component of social insurance. It has the essential features of mutual beneficial and social of social insurance and fully manifests the guiding principle of social justice principle. Therefore the Medical Insurance System plays a crucial role of people health and social stability and unity.With the deepening of the informatization construction, the reliance of the various industries on information system is increasing. Informatization increasingly become important strength to promote the development of productive forces and the change of production relations.Medical insurance system and deep-going also dependent on a sound and reliable medical insurance management information system, he will improve the medical insurance of data quality, efficiency, and protects a person to provide efficient for efficient service. Thoroughly implementation of the medical insurance system also relies on a sound and reliable Medical Insurance Management Information System. It will enhance the data quality and the working efficiency of the medical insurance and provides the highly effective and quick service for the insured person. It is of great significance in the process of the medical insurance organization. However, the particularity and local characteristics of medical insurance policy decides the each level shall establish an independent team of system development.This thesis is based on the features of medical insurance and develops information system based on the core platform of social insurance system by studying the intension of oracle database. Oracle 9i database system used in this project is the most widely used, the most formidable functional, and object-oriented and so on characteristics database management systems. Its middleware adopts weblogic. Technical architecture design process adopts Struts and Hibernate technologies and uses C/S/S three-tier architecture has guaranteed the data processing ability in the process of system using. After the requirement analysis, general design, detailed design, coding, testing stage eventually completed the Medical Insurance Management Information system development. In the process of practical application is also fully demonstrate the software stability and reliability and realizes automation, modernization, standardization and scientific management the Harbin Medical insurance and has achieved good social benefits.
Keywords/Search Tags:Medical Insurance, Oracle, Medical Insurance Management Information System
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