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GUI Research And Implementation Of Embedded Green Coating Montioring System Based On Qt/E

Posted on:2012-10-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y C ChuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2218330368976212Subject:Computer application technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the computer technology and integrated circuit technology rapid development, embedded technology gets a broad space for development. Embedded technology are becoming more and more widely used in communication, electronics, industry, transportation, etc, and high-performance, cheap, low consumption of microprocessors of ARM series become well-known in use. At the same time, people'requirements to embedded products are increasing, not only to accomplish specific functions, still own good graphical user interface. Qt/E(Qt/Embedded) is a embedded version of Qt, it is a C++kit customised for programming the grahpical user interface and other applications of embedded devices, it inherits Qt/X11's strong functions, since Qt/E is available under the LGPL open source license, using a GUI system based on Qt/E has become main solution in the field of embedded GUI system development.The author participated in the project of ZDJ-F1500 Green Coating System, his duty is to develop monitoring software of the system, used Labwindows/CVI as the programming tool, Windows environment, running platform is industrial PC, which owns better configuration and performance but is expensive, needs special storage cabinet, and occupy larger room, it reduce the system integration. At the beginning of the abstract, the author mentioned the performance of microprocessor chip and several embedded GUI, why not accomplish the software part of ZDJ-F1500 system on the embedded platform? In the paper, the author make a bold attempt, his purpose is to replace industrial PC and its cabinet by lightweight embedded platform, and use monitoring software that based on Qt/E, so monitoring system can be integrated into coating equipment, the running of the system will be more reliable, it undoubtedly will also improve market competitiveness of the vacuum coating equipment. Through the author's efforts, he realize the transplant of the monitoring software which based on Qt/E in the embedded platform, complete such modules design:display of system status, plotting curves, storage of records,etc. Through the construction of the embedded monitoring system to introduce the development process of embedded Linux GUI application.The paper focuses on the following content:first, how to compile embedded version of Qt 4.4.0; the second, how to program and transplant GUI application based on Qt/E; the third, Qt itself don't provide widget for plotting data curve, through introducing QWT the third-party plug-ins, we can draw varied curves; the last, resolve records'storage and query by use QSqlite database.This program can make full use of Qt4.4.0's features. The programming process is also the the author's learning process, it also provides a good example for programing embedded GUI application. Experiment resources:embedded platform based on ARM9, embedded Linux(kernel version 2.6.12), source packages of Qt and Qt/E.
Keywords/Search Tags:ARM, Graphical user interface, QT/E, Green coating monitoring system, QWT
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