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Deposit Appraisal System Based On The Mvc Pattern Design And Realization

Posted on:2012-04-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z M LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2218330338470045Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Located in the center city of Yellow River delta, Dongying is gradually joining the ranks of economic globalization. As financial markets have been further opening up, foreign banks flooded into Dongying,so the local financial industry have been more competitive. If domestic commercial banks are in an invincible position of the fierce competition, we must learn how to use scientific methods of information management and guide the business development.Deposit appraisal system is an indispensable part of commercial bank management information systems, and an important symbol to measure the level of information of commercial bank. Advanced deposit appraisal system has become a prerequisite to improve the intelligent management and efficiency of commercial bank, which convenient agencies and staffs understand the size, structure, trends of deposit, and make timely business adjustment with statistical data of deposits.This paper reflects the use problems of deposit appraisal systems of Bank of China, Dongying Branch. Based on the detailed investigation of business process, we established a data flow and a process model of object-oriented UML Modeling. The system is based on B/S architecture, using J2EE platform and ORACLE for development. We use a modular method for design, fully considering reuse. also, we analysis characteristics and key technologies of J2EE-based MVC software design pattern, and establish a kind of technical framework consistent with MVC pattern, after make comparisons of the existing development framework, With a clear level, this framework can better reduce development complexity,and shorten development cycle.This application provides a scientific and effective implementation for commercial bank deposit appraisal system, which greatly improved work efficiency and management level, lower labor costs, enhance the enterprise competitiveness.
Keywords/Search Tags:Deposit appraisal, Bank, J2EE, B/S
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