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Taiyuan University Students' Social Responsibility Cultivation Research

Posted on:2013-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2217330374463163Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
College students are young people as the generation that grew up after the reform and openingup are the hope and future of our country, bear the overall construction of a well-off society toachieve national prosperity and the historic task of national reconstruction. To shoulder thishistorical task of contemporary college students must have a strong sense of historical mission andsocial responsibility. So, on the cultivation of college students ' social responsibility is of importantpractical significance.Contemporary mainstream social responsibility of college students is positive, is up, is healthy,most of the students ' country, support the Communist Party, have full confidence in buildingsocialism with Chinese characteristics, ready to give, care about national issues, appreciated by thepublic, and have a strong sense of social responsibility. However, with social responsibility of tendsto weaken by some college students, mainly in: College students ' self awareness and personalrealization of ideals, values of secular interests, and renders the diversification trend of valueorientation, and so on. Causes of weakening social responsibility of college students from theanalysis of the three dimensions of society, schools and families. Social reasons: bad social mood,problems in the transformation of economic system, Western ideological trend of individualismtheory-; cause of school education: focus on the examination-oriented education, lack of socialpractice of college students, some effects of teachers in colleges and universities, lack of campusculture construction; performance for family reasons: deviation of family education, sense ofresponsibility, such as lack of training. In addition, networks or the negative influence of massmedia and limited levels of self-development of college students are also key factors of restrictingthe social responsibility of college students continue to improve. Current, we should take somespecific of measures to training and upgrade contemporary students of social sense: optimizationsocial environment; full play College of education role, including increased thought politicaleducation efforts, and on management and teaching method for improved, and increasedcontemporary students of social practice, and training a has strongly social sense of universityteachers, and increased construction University culture of efforts; family to on University forcorrectly of boot; construction good of network environment; enhanced contemporary studentsitself quality.
Keywords/Search Tags:university student, social responsibilities, cultivation
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