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Southeast CUBA Men's Basketball Team Contest Area Anxious Question Research

Posted on:2012-10-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The object of this research is to participate in the 11th Southeast CUBA CUBA Division 10 Men's Basketball sports team. Nanjing University of Science and Technology main selection of the men's basketball players and some other institutions a total of 100 players tested, effective testing of survey respondents back 95. Select literature, comparative analysis and Martens preparation of the "Competition State Anxiety Scale" (CSAI - 2) to measure anxiety and study the situation before the players. Study found that:CUBA League to participate in the professional non-professional athletes have a certain psychological differences between anxiety level. CUBA League to participate in the professional non-professional athletes have a certain psychological differences between anxiety level and professional level athletes in the overall anxiety level of the mid to upper level, non-professional or college athletes are in the middle two athletes on the mental anxiety Level, these differences may be their long-term professional training high on professionalism.CUBA athletes participating in the league, in general, from freshman year to study three different academic year through the psychological level of anxiety seen that level of education of athletes in different grades at different levels of psychological anxiety, newly enrolled freshmen face the competition Higher levels of psychological anxiety before the race, junior, first year of study is the lowest level of psychological anxiety, senior, junior athletes study the psychological anxiety increased. College Athletes with grade levels showed increased anxiety U-type structure.CUBA League players to participate in physical play and mental anxiety level is inversely proportional to number of years a large majority of super-athletes are training more than a decade, honed through years of real competition in general relatively high professionalism, competition would be a reasonable allocation of physical And so on. However, these college athletes through the analysis of psychological anxiety that high levels of psychological anxiety and physical exertion when athletes is too large, increased fatigue, whereas the lower levels of psychological anxiety, less physical exertion athletes.CUBA league players participated in the psychological anxiety levels affect the game shooting spot, psychological anxiety, low levels of high school athletes in the shooting higher levels of anxiety higher than the other players. This is the technical level of the athletes themselves, before the physical body and mental training-related. The role played by athletes in the field are different, the game of psychological pressure to bear when the different, and this has to a certain extent, affect the athlete's anxiety level of anxiety. Competition experience, training and reasonable competition enforcement to make their own bodily functions and psychological conditions have been fully exploited.
Keywords/Search Tags:Students player, anxiety, training
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