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The Excavating Of The Moral Value In Humanistic Higher Education

Posted on:2012-09-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2217330368990741Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Education is a kind of social genetic mechanism, which makes itself as the intermediation of the self-realization. There are two identifications in it. One is the recognition of the individual to the historical and cultural society, on the other hand, is the approval of the historical and cultural society to the individuals. The ultimate goal of education is to"not teach"-to cultivate the self-reflection and self-management ability of the receiver.Today, as the education become more and more utilitarian, the research of the human and humanization become into an inevitable topic. It has a great significance for pedagogy to stress the humanistic research, promote the humanistic education. Some problems which appeared in the popularization of higher education, caused some drawbacks to the development of higher education itself. The proposing of the theory about the people-oriented, scientific development and building a harmonious society bring some new demands and challenges to the higher education. It must carry out the innovation in theory and practice. The purpose of humanistic education is to make higher education, a serious work, explore the human's potential, maximize the human's power, development the human's wisdom, and develop the human's personality, respect the human's thought processes, improve the human's personality and promote the value of their lives; to make the whole educational process full of human touch, so that the receivers can develop independent personality, feel the warm of love and enjoy the pleasure of success.The theory of humanistic higher education was not a pure theory, but to point to the reforms in educational practice. The theory of humanistic higher education has a deep moral value. It enlightens the wisdom of life, returns to the origin of life and perfects the personality. It is a theory that perfectly blends the higher education and the moral education of higher education and also it fully contains the love of human. The research about the moral value of the humanistic higher education is deep and sincere feelings of the researcher. The theory has a practice concerned value. It is a exploration which makes the education go through the reality to the ideal. It also is a way to overall harmonious development of education.This article has four parts.The first part is the introduction, describing the origin, purpose and significance of the study, and also introducing the relevant studies, and research idea, methods, and innovation of this paper.The second part is the interpretation of the relevance of higher education and moral education. On the basis of defining the core concepts, this paper through the exploration of the history of humanization higher education and the meanings of reality, to explore the humanistic origins of the humanistic higher education, to establish the bridge between higher education and moral education, and to pave the way for further exploring of the moral value of humanistic higher education.The third part is the micro-analysis of the moral value of higher education. It mainly follows these aspects: First, respect and well-treat: education returned to the origin of life. The purpose of the higher education is that through the life education makes the "people" become into a"man"which full of the life color. Second, equality and appreciation: Personalized education and the education of the perfect personality. The common pursuit of the high education and moral education in higher education is that makes the "individual" become into "himself". Third, concern and trust: consideration and learning to concern. The common task of the higher education and the moral education in higher education is to make the "person" to be "others". Fourth, freedom and harmony: The target fusion realm Higher Education and moral. We seek to make "people" to be a perfect "people". This also is the ideal objects of higher education and the moral education.The fourth part is the path explored the moral value in higher education. This paper mainly write from the perspective of creating the concept, creating the environment and the background, propose to seize the opportunity of the development of humanistic higher education, and finally to develop some new effective paths of moral education in higher education, which based on the development of the higher education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Humanistic, Higher education, College moral education, Moral value
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