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Kindergarten Principal Curriculum Leadership Case Studies

Posted on:2012-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L F ZouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2217330344950279Subject:Education Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, with the deepening of curriculum theory, early childhood education is at an unprecedented change,the new educational concept has gradually affected the thinking and behavior of teachers and students, and promoted curriculum management paradigm shift from "curriculum management" to "curriculum leadership" Facing the wave of changing, kindergarten principal must assume leadership responsibilities, integrate and coordinate material and human factors within and outside, and guide the curriculum change in order to protect the smooth implementation of the curriculum of kindergarten-based.As the direct leader of kindergartens, compared with the primary and secondary school principals, the kindergarten principal in the curriculum management has more resources and responsibilities, and takes a leading role and main task in the development of the kindergarten curriculum. So the kindergarten principal is given a new mission of curriculum leadership, and should play a vital role in the Implementation of the curriculum. But in the context of the kindergarten, what is the curriculum leadership? what is leadership? What tasks Curriculum leadership means to the principal? What leadership ability principal must create? And how to conduct curriculum leadership in practice?Based on the above issues, this article tries to choose the kindergarten T with deep background of curriculum study, and choose the principal W as a case to study.The article will deep into the director's daily life of curriculum leadership. Through depth interviews, daily observation, data collection methods, we could witness her process of curriculum leadership, understand specific methods and measures of the principal W's leadership in the curriculum, summarize T kindergarten's curriculum leadership experience, make constructive suggestions to kindergarten T effective implementation of the curriculum leadership from many aspects, and also provide reference for other principals as professional curriculum leaders.The article tries to divide the principal W's curriculum leadership in kindergarten T into five areas such as the organizational structure leadership of curriculum, professional and technical leadership of curriculum, faculty leadership of curriculum, organizational culture leadership of curriculum, public relations leadership of curriculum.Through describing the status of five areas, we sum up the features and capabilities of an outstanding female principal in curriculum leadership, analysis the effective ways and strategies of curriculum leadership in kindergarten, so as to help us to optimize the quality of kindergarten principal, and to promote the principal's curriculum leadership from "Free" to "Conscious".
Keywords/Search Tags:Kindergarten principal, Curriculum leadership, Case study
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