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The Development And Implementation Of Junior Mathematics School-based Curriculum

Posted on:2012-05-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C M XiongFull Text:PDF
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At the beginning of the 21 century, the Ministry of Education follow the world trend of curriculum reform and development, proposed national curriculum, local curriculum, school-based curriculum for three levels of curriculum development model. China set off a wave of school-based curriculum development. The author describes the theory of school-based curriculum development and the development of domestic and international situation, and enthusiasm into the school-based curriculum development. In practice, the author has done some research on school-based curriculum for junior mathematics.In the development of school-based curriculum, schools should pay attention to: a clear philosophy of education; to strengthen school-based management; regulate the elective system; improve the evaluation system; reflect improvements in practice. The author proposed junior mathematics school-based curriculum in the general process. In order to improve development efficiency, Teachers should pay attention:First, Clear goals, adequate preparation. Second, the teacher is researcher, Focus on the development process. In the development process, teachers need to constantly engage in inquiry-based reflection on the selection, teaching, class management, evaluation, for optimization teaching materials and methods. Third, organize a development team. The teacher's personal energy are limited. They not only have to make a good national curriculum, but also have to make a good school-based curriculum. Most teachers can not do well in these two things. So it must rely on the team, the power of school to developing school-based curriculum. Fourth, make a effective evaluation system to supervise and inspire students.School-based curriculum development is a complex system works to one man can not make a good school-based curriculum, school-based curriculum should reflect the overall strength of the school. I therefore propose the development of school-based curriculum prospect:standard-based curriculum development; development must be fine; building partner-like culture of teamwork.
Keywords/Search Tags:School-based curriculum, School-based curriculum development, Junior Mathematics, School-based Management
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