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Protection Of Social Rights

Posted on:2012-11-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2216330374953969Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under capitalist development, many problems have surfaced including feuds between workers and their bosses and a sharp division in the society between the very rich and the poor. Social rights, a new form of human rights is designed to help relieve this problem, prevent the freedom right and to guarantee that all citizens especially the weak socio-economic are treated with equality and fairness. In the analysis of the limitation of countries in the aspect of protect social rights, the active role of non-governmental organizations in the aspect of protect social rights and the different stages of a social rights model, the best path for China's development may be determined. On the one hand, they need to strengthen the government's responsibility. Through a series of positive acts of the State, we can provide an efficient, convenient, and secure legal environment and establish a perfect legal protection system of social security. On the other hand, attaching importance to the positive role of non-governmental organizations in the protection of social rights. Given them necessary legal support and assistance, policy encourage and stimulate and strengthen their own advantages, so that they can create better conditions for participate in protection of social rights.
Keywords/Search Tags:social rights defects in the protection of social rights, social rights model, non-governmental organization
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