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Study On The Legal Mechanism For Anti-terrorism Of The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (2001-2010)

Posted on:2012-12-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H B ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2216330338459645Subject:International Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is the first multilateral international system established by our country, also the first international organization that mainly appeals"anti-terrorism"at present. After about ten years of development, SCO has already become an important force maintaining the Central Asia Region peace and stable. Current domestic researches mainly study the achievement of the SCO in the field of international relations, but law scholars rarely put the anti-terrorism mechanism of SCO as the research object. This paper plays a positive role in promoting people's understanding of the development of anti-terrorism mechanism of SCO and as guidance for SCO member states to practice anti-terrorism.This paper analyses the anti-terrorism mechanism of SCO as the starting point, trying to find out: on the analysis of the international mechanism, how does the anti-terrorism mechanism of SCO form? How does the current anti-terrorism mechanism of SCO develop? How about the achievements and shortcomings? How to perfect? What are the new features of the Convention of anti-terrorism mechanism of Shanghai Cooperation Organization? This paper divides into five parts as follow:PartⅠ: The theoretical basis and legislative authority of the anti-terrorism mechanism of SCOThis part explains the process and operation of the anti-terrorism cooperation of SCO by taking the advantage of the international mechanism in international relations theories. It also points out that, although the anti-terrorism cooperation of shanghai cooperation organization has the principle colors with both realism and constructivism, but its basic organic constitute is the new liberalism which emphasis the interest as prerequisite. Meanwhile, in this part, the author deems the anti-terrorism is in line with international law, according to the relevant provisions of the United Nations Charter and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Charter PartⅡ: The developing process of the anti-terrorism mechanism of SCOFirstly, this part points out that the most directive reason for SCO to carry out anti-terrorism cooperation is the furious terrorist activities in the Central Asia Region. Then it analyzes the developing process of the anti-terrorism mechanism of SCO. Finally, it indicates the relationship between the security of western China and SCO, and points out that the western security is main reason why China participates actively in anti-terrorism of SCO. The achievement of SCO directly effects the development and stability of western China.PartⅢ: Analysis of the current anti-terrorism of SCOThis part analyzes the current anti-terrorism of SCO, pointing out that anti-terrorism of SCO makes a huge achievement, but there are still some shortcomings.PartⅣ: Comment on the Convention of anti-terrorism mechanism of Shanghai Cooperation OrganizationThis part analyzes the newly published the Convention of anti-terrorism mechanism of Shanghai Cooperation Organization from formulation background and central content. The convention reflects the latest development of anti-terrorism legal theory of SCO and has improved a lot , comparing the Convention of Shanghai.PartⅤ:Proposition of perfecting anti-terrorism mechanism of SCOThis part comes up with the perfection of anti-terrorism mechanism of SCO, aiming at overcoming the shortcomings of anti-terrorism mechanism of SCO mentioned above. It not only the requirement of the own development of SCO, but also to cope with the new threaten of Central Asia security. At last, some suggestions are made to promote international cooperation and carry out the policy of anti-terrorism.The main researching method of the paper is analytical method of literatures. That is, to excavate facts and find out evidences. Outstanding writings and papers about this topic is less, so the material source is mainly from the authoritative documents and data material announced at Chinese governmental websites. The author clears up and concludes some thesis and comments for reference, hoping to complete the paper.The shortages of the paper falls into two aspects: first, the researching thesis of the paper involves the secret of national security, so the original material is hard to get. Research can only be promoted by the announced documents. It's an innate shortage for this paper to obtain material. Second, this paper attempts to study the problem of international law on the basis of the international relations theory. Interdisciplinary research conduces to the all-around cognition of anti-terrorism cooperation. But I also acknowledged that I was still at the initial stage to the study of international relations theory, not master the international mechanism expertly.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Anti-terrorism, Legal mechanism, New liberalism
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