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The Comparative Study Between The Man In A Case And Night Singing

Posted on:2013-01-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330374961659Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chekhov and Jia Pingwa are famous writers in China and Russia.Although theyhave different nationality and creation tendency,they have two similar, respectivelyliterary works.One is the Man in a Case, another is Night Singing. In addition to thesimilar characters,they also have similarity,difference in the ideological content andartistic features. Therefore, this paper is based on the two novels text, using the parallelstudy method of comparative literature to analyze the two novels.This paper is divided into six parts. The introduction focuses on the currentresearch condition of the two novels, and points out the important significance ofcomparative analysis.The second part of the paper mainly analyze their similarity and difference in theideological content through the two works. On the surface, the mainly similarity aretruly reflect the protagonist in the era of the depressive social atmosphere in twonovels:The former exposed spy activities were rampant, people's life were difficult atthe end of czar rule. The latter describes the basic social life back to normal and somepeople still fear to a political movement after the cultural revolution. Except that, thepoor and ridiculous tragic end of heroes is another similar aspect. The main differenceis different antithesis of heros:Belikov's antithesis is Kovalenko and Valenka, MuRenwen's antithesis is Su Mei,Wang Shun and female cat.The third part of the paper mainly analyze their similarity and difference in thecharacters through the two works. At this level, the heroes of the two novels both havereclusive life habit and withdrawn psychological; The heroes in treating the attitude ofthe real life appeared on the differences. The former is trying to control others,the latteris trying to guard against and avoiding the external world.The forth part of the paper mainly analyze their similarity and difference in the artcharacters through the two works. Two novels are adopting contrast writing technique to reveal theme: The former is compare Kovalenko,Valenka to Belikov and people ofthe small town;the latter is compare Mu Renwen to Su Mei and female cat. In addition,heavy, depressed, gray is another similarity of the two novels' writing stytle.In thedepiction of psychological activities, Chekhov uses the method of "The action resultsshow the psychological process", Jia Pingwa uses a large number of imagination andassociation to display the change of heart activity. The difference exists in the differentnarrative method of the article: The former adopt a story contains a story's way to tellMu Renwen's tragedy, The latter around "date" event writing articles, tell the wholestory from the beginning to the end in general.The fifth parts of the paper mainly analyze the reason of similarity and difference.The first similar reason mainly lies in similar traditional political culture in China andRussia, the other is characters both have life sources; The first different reason mainlylies in difference of traditional ideological culture in China and Russia. Another lies inthe different writing psychology.Epilogue part is to summarize and ascension the whole paper, summary andsummarized the literary characters, advise people to cherish the hard-won free life.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Man in a Case, Night Singing, the comparative study
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