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Research Is Becoming More Diverse Forms Of Commercial Posters

Posted on:2013-01-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L Z LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330374458151Subject:Design and decorating
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With the continuous social development and progress in the20th century, posters became one of the major mediums of communication. Furthermore poster design has entered into a rapid development era. Nowadays the modern poster design does not stop in the glorious history; on the contrary, it has constantly maintained attentions and forward thinking about social freshness. The traditional poster, containing moralizing and promoting information, has been withdrawn from the market. Currently the poster design moves towards a more intensively exploratory way in terms of new forms, artistry, and experimentation.Posters are designed to enhance the image of company and corporate, and market and advertise their products and service. This kind of poster design is not only a commercial poster but also an important part of the commercial advertisements that are discussed frequently. In commercial advertisements, poster is one of advertising medias. Commercial posters have been the mainstream in the poster design; therefore the history of the development of commercial posters can represent the development of poster itself. The contents of commercial posters have a very wide range such as product promotion, corporate image display, the tourism, transportations, and other ads of service industry; besides competitive sports, technology, education, journalism, and publishing, are also included. It is notable that commercial posters play an important role in the advertising process. At the mean time, one type of commercial posters, mingled with cultural posters, have a greater, broader room for creativity than regular commercial posters. Because of the characteristic of combination of commercial and culture poster, a lot of designers prefer this type of commercial posters and a lot of good poster design works have emerged., Besides the function of enhancing the brand image and promoting product sales, commercial posters are also responsible for raising the public's aesthetic, to some extent, affecting life behaviors of the public, and changing public values. Therefore, it is a long way to go for poster design workers. This paper studies the modern commercial poster in terms of the carriers, showing forms, the use and change of space and material.This article analyzes cases about various forms of commercial poster design in recent years, identifies the changes of the forms of commercial posters and their effects, and explores the future developments. Providing the public the dominant information of goods and service consumption, the commercial poster conveys a very clear purpose and has very specific functions. The poster information must be convincing and desirable, and then mass consumption is simulated so as to gain profits. The poster is designed specifically for the target audience and target market; therefore it must make sure to have a strong purpose and be effective. Commercial poster design cannot exist independently because commercial poster design has an impact on and is affected by the factors of business promotion and marketing such as products, markets, consumers, mass medias, and others. A lot of limitations are attributed from the entire economic purpose of commercial posters. Due to the effects of product target audience and the homogenization of goods, commercial posters have been unable to ease the pressure of market competition. In addition, it becomes more and more difficult to promote commercial posers because of overemphasizing on the material level and neglect of the spiritual existence. In this information age, many companies start to realize the importance of corporate culture and make a close connection of corporate and product promotion, culture, and public service. Coupled with a rapid changing technology means, designers are able to create the poster designs, which are quite a different from the posters in the past.This study examines applicable values and ways of new forms of commercial posters in contemporary advertising. Contemporary poster design and the business are increasingly harmonious. The gradual integration of new technology, the diversity and life of the carriers, as well as the fashionable and original way of expressions have become the unique advantages of commercial posters. This characteristic, which is the quick blend with the business and arts, not only infinitely expands the value of commercial posters, but also enable the forms of performance unprecedented various and rich. It is said that the commercial posters play a critical role at current phase of advertising business. Currently products competition is intensified in the market, where advertising becomes the top priority for business. Since the birth of the advertising, it is the most effective way to promote through through visual means. Posters, as a means of visual arts, have always been the one of the important way of advertising. Therefore, it is self-evident of the importance of choosing the right and reasonable form of posters to advertise the products. Although the poster competes with the Internet, mobile phones, and other new media, it still has an irreplaceable role as an advertising mean. Additionally design workers continue to use the technology means to bring the latest features and fresh forms to the poster design, which extents the road of commercial posters longer and further.
Keywords/Search Tags:Commercial
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