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Li Junmin Poetry Study

Posted on:2012-12-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H H CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330368994310Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Li Jun min who lived in the latter part of Jin dynasty and the early part of Yuan dynasty was one of the accomplished and important literati. He had many works, the book named Zhuang Jing of ten volumes was handed down, in which the amount of his poems exceeded eight hundreds.Li Jun min experienced the flourishing of Da Ding and Ming Chang periods, and also wandered about destitute after Jin dynasty destroyed. The complicated psychology of literati and the sense of belonging to own nation resulted in his refusal to new monarch and being a hermit until death. Therefore, his poems are full of signing with the feeling of disturbance and quite lot of voice of hidden resentment. Worrying about the state is the principal thought of his poems, fierce resentment or simple nature is his style. His works has a special style in the circles of poets in Jin dynasty, and a deep influence to the literati between Jin and Yuan dynasties.
Keywords/Search Tags:Li Jun min, Worrying about the state, simple and peaceful, Special influence
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