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Science Technology And Comprehensive Development

Posted on:2012-10-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:E W MiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330368994152Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It's self-evident that science and technology as the first productive force play a vital role in the advance of human society. However, while tremendous material wealth and convenience are created by science and technology, a great deal of problems come into being owing to multiple complicated reasons, which caused human kind to gradually go to the opposite side of the nature and the society, even the benefit of themselves. These problems include: the abuse of science and technology results in the pollution of the atmospheric layer and water base as well as the imbalance of ecology, nuclear threat, even the mental derangement and physical illness. The problems are not beneficial to the overall development of a person and rather difficult to solve now, consequently, the predicament caused by the alienation of science and technology can be extricated completely if only mankind arrive in the stage of Communism. Nevertheless, people in the current period could never sit idle awaiting their doom, certain essential measures can still be taken to curb the deterioration of science and technology to some extent, thus to create a more relieved both internal and external environment. The presupposition of these measures should be the distinctive common understanding that only human is the main part in the development of science and technology, in which all the scientific activities should serve for the human being. On the basis of that, several practical methods can be applied to curb the alienation of science and technology and remove the barriers to the overall development of human being, such as the reconstruction of the ethics in science and technology and the enhancement of the scientific and technological legislation, etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:the overall development of human being, science and technology
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