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Painting Prints Coban Wander

Posted on:2012-10-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ShangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330368975767Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This text is concerned with print artists who dwell in the realm of oil painting, through the mechanical process of creating art and the history of art, and through the close observation and anatomy of artist as an individual, attempting to find a turning point, as well as in a vaster artistic perspective to reflect on the creativity and educational prospect of oil painting and print-making. Through this research and analysis we find that there are three interrelated aspect levels.In fact oil painting being a type creative method that possess qualities of basic principalities and vast and multi-variety of expandability, in the realm of contemporary solely is equipped with strong expressiveness and possibilities.Furthermore oil painting in China holds important meaning to the change of social and political aspects as well as history; this gives it a superior, unshakable and weighty role. Secondly amongst great number of people who use other methods of creating and later on switching back to oil painting, those who come from print-making major play an important part, they are more influenced by American modernism and other artistic school of thoughts, in paying close attention to creative theories and alike aspects it holds an unique angle of view and flexible technique. They inject into oil painting the experientialism and creativity of print-making, surprisingly forms a style that contains group characteristic and is time relevant.Nevertheless the art market's further adding fuel to the oil painting creativeness is also inadvertently having effect on this turning point, becoming the third key point.These factors meet and are mutual between the realm of creative process and contemporary Chinese society, becoming a helping hand to print artists who dwell in the realm of oil painting.
Keywords/Search Tags:Print, Oil Painting, College Education, Market
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