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The Inspiration Of The Combination Of Printmaking And Children's Painting Education To My Graduation

Posted on:2018-04-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X YangFull Text:PDF
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Printmaking has a long history,is an independent plastic arts.Chinese printmaking has been around for thousands of years.In today's highly developed science and technology,printmaking,as an independent and characteristic painting,is still full of its unique charm.The effect of folk prints is mainly decorative,with a strong local characteristics.The modern print technology,and technology depends on the west,the genre painting is colorful,have style all their own way.There are persistent traditional methods of writing,but also breakthroughs,bold and innovative.There are folk pictures,books,illustrations and so on.But if we mention the new term "print",it seems strange.However,in this era of development,for the print awareness and research,not only limited to print artists,more scholars and related people like printmaking,maintain and popularization of awareness of printmaking is worth to study our current task.In this paper I introduced the status quo of Modern Printmaking and in art education for children to carry out prints of the meaning of education,how to carry out education in children's prints,especially the application of painting.Hope to be able to promote the simultaneous development of children's art education,let the print education curriculum of basic education in primary and secondary schools to become assistant,let more art lovers will print as a target,so as to improve the whole Chinese artistic accomplishment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Print, modern print, artist, painting art
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