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Worldwide print media clusters as related to the U.S. market: A descriptive quantitative study

Posted on:2011-11-11Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Birkett, Barbara AFull Text:PDF
GTID:1445390002453781Subject:Business Administration
This study sought to identify the top ten countries with likely existing print media clusters and the top ten with likely emerging clusters along with their print exports. The purpose of this identification was to give U.S. printers useful information as they strategize to compete globally. The research was based on Porter's (1990, The Competitive Advantage of Nations) theory that a country's exports are indicators of cluster development and a consequent competitive advantage. Thus, this study examined the print exports of 176 countries. Through its preestablished decision rules, the study identified the top ten likely existing (United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, China-Hong Kong, Belgium, Finland, Namibia, and Colombia) and the top ten likely emerging (Croatia, Estonia, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Malaysia, Peru, Poland, Romania, and Turkey) print media clusters. The study then identified (a) these countries' top five (top four for likely emerging clusters) print exports, (b) those with increasing print exports to the U.S. and (c) the top five print exports to the U.S. Among the top five print exports from likely existing clusters were brochures, leaflets, and reading books. For likely emerging clusters, reading books and newspapers were included. Among the likely existing cluster countries, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Czech Republic, China-Hong-Kong, Finland, and Colombia had increasing print exports to the U.S., and among likely emerging clusters were Croatia, Hungary, India, Malaysia, Peru, Poland, Romania, and Turkey. Increased print exports to the U.S. from the likely existing cluster countries included trade advertising material, catalogues, and reading books. For likely emerging cluster countries, the list included brochures, leaflets, and trade advertising material. Related to the investigation itself, the study recommended including consideration of Foreign Direct Investment and quantifying the significance level for year-over-year dollar value increases. Related to future research, the study recommended: (a) in-depth research of specific countries (b) analysis of whether certain print exports develop in unison (c) evaluation of the effects of electronic file transfer capabilities (d) evaluation of the economic linkages among knowledge-based industries of which print media is one and (e) a study of the effects of trade agreements on print exports.
Keywords/Search Tags:Print, Likely existing, Top ten, Countries, Related
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